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Star Wars Actors Database

This site is for education, fun, and reference only.

1750+ Star Wars actors (including voice work, puppeteers, stunt people, extras/background artists, those from cut scenes, and some promo photos) from all official productions.

Is a production or actor missing?
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Audio Books:
ABYab= Abyss  ||  AFT= Aftermath  ||  ALLab= Allegiance  ||  ANDab= A New Dawn  ||
ASWab= Allegiance: Star Wars  ||
BETab= Betrayal (Legacy of the Force)  ||  BLDab= Bloodlines (Legacy of the Force)  ||  
BPDSab= Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Beware the Power of the Dark Side!  ||
CEab= Crimson Empire  ||  CRUab= Crucible  ||
DDab=Dark Disciple  ||  DFSFTEab= Dark Forces: Soldier For the Empire  ||
DFRab=Dark Force Rising  ||
EXab= Exile (Legacy of the Force)  ||
FotJab= Fate of the Jedi  ||  FotJAab= Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse  ||
FotJAlab= Fate of the Jedi: Allies  ||  FotJAsab= Fate of the Jedi: Ascension  ||
FotJBab=Fate of the Jedi: Backlash  ||  FotJCab= Fate of the Jedi: Conviction  ||  
FotJOab= Fate of the Jedi: Omen  ||  FotJOutab= Fate of the Jedi: Outcast  ||
FotJVab= Fate of the Jedi: Vortex  ||  FURab= Fury (Legacy of the Force)  ||
JJJab= Jar Jar's Adventure Book
HttEab= Heir to the Empire  ||  HttJab= Heir to the Jedi  ||  HATab= Honor Among Thieves
LCab= The Last Command  ||  LEGab= Star Wars: Legacy  ||
MFab= Millennium Falcon  ||  MKab= Mercy Kill  ||
OUTab= Outcast (Legacy of the Force)  ||
PODab=Path of Destruction  ||  PSFBab=The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy (ANH)  ||
SCOab= Scoundrels  ||  SMUGab= Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo Adventure  ||
SotPab=Specter of the Past  ||
TEMPab= Tempest (SWLegacy)  ||  TFAab=The Force Awakens  ||  TORDab=Deceived  ||  TORAab= Annihilation  ||  TORFAab= Fatal Alliance  ||  TORRab=Revan  ||
TPMra=The Phantom Menace - read along  ||
VotFab=Vision of the Future  ||
WJab=So You Want to be a Jedi? (ESB)  ||

ANH= A New Hope || ESB= Empire Strikes Back ||
RO=Rogue One: A Star Wars Story || ROTJ= Return of the Jedi || TPM= The Phantom Menace || AOTC= Attack of the Clones ||
ROTS= Revenge of the Sith || TFA=The Force Awakens || TLJ = The Last Jedi ||
S = Solo: A Star Wars Story || TROS = The Rise of Skywalker

TV Shows:
CW03= Clone Wars '03 || CW08=Clone Wars '08 || DET=Detours || D= Droids ||
TotHP= Treasure of the Hidden Planet (Video release 2004 - Droids) ||
E= Ewoks || EA= Ewok Adventure ||
EBFE= Ewoks: Battle for Endor ||
TFTEW= Tales From The Endor Woods (Video release 2004 - Ewoks) ||
FMA= Freemaker Adventures (Lego Star Wars) || LDT= LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales || 
LTPM= LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace || LTYC=LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles ||  
SWHS= Star Wars Holiday Special** || REB= Rebels || TBB=The Bad Batch || 
TM= The Mandalorian ||
RES= Star Wars: Resistance

Video and other Games:
Ba= Battlefront || BaII=Battlefront II || Ba2015= Battlefront 2015 || BFN= Battle for Naboo ||
BH= Bounty Hunter
|| CCG= Customizable Card Game || CWvg=Star Wars: The Clone Wars ||
DF= Dark Forces || DE= Dark Empire || DEII= Dark Empire II || De= Demolition ||
|| EaW= Empire at War ||
FC= Force Commander || FU=Force Unleashed || FUII=Force Unleashed II || GED= Galaxies: An Empire Divided || GJL= Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed || GRW= Galaxies: Rage of the Wookiees || GTE= Galaxies: The Total Experience || GB= Galactic Battlegrounds ||
JK=Jedi Knights || JKDF= Jedi Knight Dark Forces || JKJA=Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy ||
JO= Jedi Outcast || JPB= Jedi Power Battles || JS= Jedi Starfighter || KSW=Kinect Star Wars || KOTOR= Knights of the Old Republic ||
KOTORII= Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ||
LA= Lethal Alliance || LSWIII=LEGO Star Wars III || LIIITCW=LEGO III The Clone Wars || LYC=LEGO Star Wars Yoda Chronicles ||
MOTS= Mysteries of the Sith || MTK= Masters of Teräs Käsi || OW= Obi Wan ||
OWA= Obi Wan Adventures ||
PR= Pod Racer ||
R= Rebel || Ra= Racer ||
RA= Rebel Assault || RAII= Rebel Assault II || RC= Republic Commando || RH=Republic Heroes (TCW) || ROTSvg= Revenge of the Sith || RR= Racer Revenge || RS= Rogue Squadron ||
RSII= Rogue Squadron II || RSIII=Rogue Squadron III ||
SF=Starfighter || SBR= Super Bombad Racing || SOTE= Shadows of the Empire ||
SWG= Star Wars Galaxies ||
TOR=The Old Republic || TF= TIE Fighter ||
XW= X-Wing || XWA= X-Wing Alliance || XWvT= X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter ||
YS= Yoda Stories ||

 ST= Star Tours || STTAC=Star Tours - The Adventure Continues || SWLd=Star Wars Land (Disney)

Other marks:
ab=audio book/adventure book || se= Special Edition || vg=Video Game || r=Radio
|| SSW= Super Star Wars
(marks placed before or after ANH, ESB, ROTJ, TPM, AOTC, ROTS, TFA, etc. titles)

Any name marked with * = unconfirmed actors.
Any name marked with § = true name is not available.

This list WILL contain SPOILER character names for upcoming films/TV/games!

Abercrombe, Ian (d 2012) - (voice only) Palpatine (CW08)

Abrams, Gerald W. - Captain Cypress (TFA)

Ackie, Naomi - Jannah (TROS)

Ackroyd, David - (voice only) Antilles and Fixer (ANHr)

Acord, David - (voice only): VH-7 Medical Droid on Polis Massa (ROTS); Lead TIE Fighter Pilot (REB); Rotta the Huttlet (CW08), A-4D Droid / Pilf Mukmuk / Aqualish Technician / Rabbit Droid / Senate Guard / Servant Droid / Ship Captain / Brainee/ Pit Droid/ Jimba / Albed Dewn / Highsinger / Police Officer / Madalorian Super Commando (CW08); Riot Control Stormtrooper FN-2199 ("TR-8R") (TFA)

Acton, Anna - (voice only) Stormtrooper (Ba2015)

Ahmed, Riz - Bodhi Rook (RO)

Akin, Charlie - Stormtrooper - First Order, Rebel - Resistance (TFA)

Akindoyeni, Tux -Agen Kolar - Zabrak Jedi Knight (ROTS)

Alaskey, Joe (d 2016) - (voice only) Important Merchant (TPMvg), Interpreter (TPMvg), Watto's Flunky (TPMvg)

Alberti, Peter - Snowtrooper/Stormtrooper/Knight of Ren (TFA)

Albrecht, J. Grant - (voice only) (TOR), Imperial Officer 1/Rebel Field Commander (EaW)

Alboukharey, Omar - Deck People (S)

Alcroft, Jamie - (voice only) AT-PT driver/Javelin submarine captain/Sio Bibble (GB)

Alessio, Josephine - Queen Jamillia's Aide (AOTC)

Alexander, Coinneach - Jedi Padawan (ROTS)

Alexander, Sacha - Graf Zapalo (TPM)

Allan, Adrian - Rebel Soldier (TFA)

Allen, Amy - Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight) - Twi'lek (TPM, AOTC, ROTS)

Allen, Hazel - Rebel; Yoxgit (ROTJ)

Allen, Peter (d 1992) - Geezum (Scout) - Snivvian; Stormtrooper (ROTJ)

Allen, Tony (d 2020) - Snowtrooper - Hoth Base (ESB)

Allen, Wendy - Rebel Technician (ROTJ) (see Lattimer, Wendy)

Alleyne, Samantha - Stormtrooper (TFA); uncredited Stormtrooper/Rebel - Scarif (RO)

Alliston, Cliff - Rebel Commando (Trooper) - Endor (ROTJ) Note: This is not the actor who played Nik (Nic) Sant

Allsopp, Matt - uncredited Tam Posla (RO)
Ali-Yebuah, Shaquille - Imperial Mudtrooper (S)

Alsup, Bunny (d 2019) - (voice only) Cantina Walla (ANH)

Altman, John - Rebel Alliance Pilot (ROTJ)

Amendt, Paul - (voice only) Rogue Ten (RS) (KOTOR)

Anand, Deepak - Elite Citizen - Sheesha Smoking Guest (S)

Anderson, Pip - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Anderson, Bob (d 2013) - (stunts) Darth Vader (ANH); Stormtrooper - Carbon Freeze Chamber; Darth Vader double (ESB); (ROTJ)

Anderson, Franki - (puppeteer) Bubo (Frog-Dog) - Outside Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

Anderson, Sam - (voice only) (XWvT)

Anderson, Vass (d 2015) - Rebel Escort/Rebel in War Room (ANH), Stormtrooper/Hoth Rebel (ESB)

Angel, Jack (d 2021) - (voice only) Rom Mohc (DF)

Ankrum, David - (voice only) Wedge Antilles (both of them) (ANH), uncredited (voice only) Wedge Antilles (RO)

Anvar, Cas - (voice only) Peteen/Frangawl Cult Leader (CW08)

Appleton, Phil - (see Delancy, Phil)

Apostolos, Margo - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Arbogast, Annie - (voice only) Sy Snootles - Lead Singer Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

Aris, Jonathan - Senator Jebel (RO)

Arkin, Adam - (voice only) Fixer (ANHr)

Armato, Dominic - (voice only) Alien Citizen (TPMvg); Ben Quadinaros (PR); Clegg
Holdfast (PR); Coruscant Male #2 (TPMvg); Repair Droid 47-B (FC); Ticket Vendor

Armatrading, Tony (d 2021) - Xalek (SWOR)

*Armellino, Amanda - Handmaiden (ROTS)

Armesto, Sebastian - Lieutenant Dopheld Mitaka - First Order Officer (TFA)

Armitage, Richard - Naboo Fighter Pilot (TPM)

Armstrong, John - (voice only) Han Solo (Ba2015)

Armstrong, Ray (d 2013) - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Armstrong, Vic - (stunts) Han Solo double (tied to log) - Endor (ROTJ)

Arnold, Derek - Vober Dand (Pao) - Tarsunt Ground Logistics Controller - Resistance (TFA), Pao (RO)

Arnold, Dixie - Resistance Soldier (TFA)

Aron, Michael - (voice only) Ensign Till (RAII)

Arthur, Beatrice (d 2009) - Ackmena - Bartender (SWHS)

Ashley, Graham (d 1979) - Davish 'Pops' Krail (Tiree?) Gold 5 (ANH)

Asner, Edward (d 2021)  - (voice only) of Jabba the Hutt (ROTJr); Master Vrook Lamar (KOTOR)

Atwal, Bilu - Alderaan Crew (ROTS)

August, Pernilla - Shmi Skywalker (TPM, TPMra, AOTC, TCW)

Ault, John William (d 1990) - Commander Bob Hudsol (ANH)

Austen, Alan - Bespin Guard; Stormtrooper; Hoth Rebel (ESB)

Austen, Don - (puppeteer)Yoda (TPM)

Austin, Mark - Boba Fett (ANHse)


Babatundé, Obba - (voice only) Lando Calrissian (RSIII; GB)

*Bache, David (d 1999) - ? (TPM)

Bach y Rita, Carol - (voice only) A-Wing pilot/Missile launcher driver (GB)

Bader, Diedrich - (voice only) Bo Keevil (RES)

Bailey, Bill - Cantina Patron (in production notes) (ANH)

Bailey, Tony - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Bakare, Ariyon - Barion Raner - Blue Four (RO)

Baker, Dee Bradley - (voice only): Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/Cody (CW03); Jabba the Hutt (DET), Ephraim Bridger/Admiral Kassius Konstantine/Old Jho/TIE Pilot #2 (REB); Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/Commander Cody/Sith Snakes/Commander Wolffe/Comet/Younger Muun/Fives (CW08); Beed/Boba Fett/Trandoshan Commando (KSW); ? (TOR); Captian Rex/Commander Cody/Clone Troopers (LSWIII); Baron Tarko/Boba Fett/Rebel Soldier (FUII); Boba Fett (FU); Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/Clone Commanders (RH); Boba Fett (STTAC); Ilco Munica - Abednedo - Jakku Villager (at Stormtrooper's blasterpoint) (TFA), Glem (RES)

Baker, Eileen (d 1993) - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Baker, Glyn - Lt. Endicott - Imperial Officer (Docking Bay Technician) - Second Death Star (ROTJ)

Baker, Jerry - Scanning Crew Man #1 (ANH)

Baker, Kathy - Rebel (model only - not in film) (ROTJ)

Baker, Kenny (d 2016) - R2-D2 (ANH, ESB, ROTJ, TPM, AOTC, ROTS, TFA as consultant), Paploo/Rabin - Ewoks (U.K./U.S.) (ROTJ)

Baker, Rick - ? (ANH)

Baker, Tom - (voice only) Bendu (REB)

Bailey, Laura - (voice only) (STTAC)

Bai, Ling (Bai Ling) - Bana Breemu - Senator (ROTS)

Bajakian, Clint - (voice only) Borva The Hutt (BFN), Citizen 2 (BFN), Jabba the Hutt (TPMvg), Ric Olié (BFN)

Baksa, Shannon (see McRandle, Shannon)

Baldry, Long John (d 2005) - (voice only) (E)

Ballan, Michael Henbury - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ) (see Henbury, Michael)

Ballantine, Steve (d 2007) - (voice only) Imperial Pilot (RSII, RSIII)

Balogh, Russell - uncredited Major Ralo Surrel - X-Wing Pilot: Red Eleven (RO)

Bannon, Paul - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Barbakoff, Jaimi - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Barbieri, Chantelle - Handmaiden (AOTC); Padmé (Natalie Portman) Stand-in (ROTS)

Barbour, Peter (d 2005) - Stiltman - Mos Eisley (cut scene) (ANH)

Barclay, David Alan - (puppeteer): Yoda (ESB); Jabba the Hutt (ROTJ)

Bareham, Adam - Jhoff (Controller #1) - Executor (ROTJ)

Barns, D.C. - Kata Koio (Bar Patron) - Maz Kanata's Castle; Scavenger - Jakku (TFA)

Barton, Aiden - Baby Luke and Baby Leia (ROTS)

Barton, Dan - (voice only) General Carlist Rieekan (RSII, RSIII)

Barton, Paul - Imperial Officer (ROTJ)
Barton, Zachary - (voice only) Commander Jenn (RAII)

Bascle, Brian - (voice only) Kyle Katarn/Rebel Pilot/Rebel Trooper/others (EaW)

Basco, Dante - (voice only) Jai Kell (REB)

Bateman, Paul - Mon Calamari - Opera House (ROTS)

Bates, Tom - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Batsoni, Francis (d 2001) - Moisture Farmer/Local (Human) - Cantina (U.K.) (ANH); Janus Greejatus - Palpatine Dignitary (ROTJ)

Bauersfeld, Erik (d 2016) - (voice only) Bib Fortuna (ROTJ); Admiral Ackbar (ROTJ, XW, TFA)

Bauman, Marc - (voice only) Cargo Captain (RAII)

Bauza, Eric - (voice only) Gorrak Wiles (RES)

Bay, Jane - (voice only) Polis Massa Medical Delivery Droid (ROTS)

Beach, Scott (d 1996) - (voice only) Stormtrooper (ANH)

Beasley, John (d 2023) - Bartender (TM)
Beck, Roy (d 1998) - uncredited Boba Fett Double (ANH, ROTJ)

Beckman, Will - (voice only) ? (Ba2015)

Beckmann, Tim - (voice only) ? (Ba2015), Captain Antilles (RO)

Beer, Dickey (Dirk Yohan) - Barada - Weequay Skiff Guard - Jabba's Skiff; Stormtrooper/Biker Scout - Endor (ROTJ)

Begley, Ed, Jr. - (voice only) Boba Fett (ROTJr)

Behrens, Bernard (d 2012) - (voice only) Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi (ANHr, ESBr, ROTJr)

Bell, Bobby - Logray the Ewok - Village Mystic (EA); Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Bell, Geoff - 2nd Lieutenant Frobb (RO)

Bell, May - Jedha Server (RO)

Bell, Michael - (voice only): Commander Willard (ANH); General Taskeen/Tatooine Farmer (FC)

Bell, Patty - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Bell, Ruth - Jedha Server (RO)
Bellotte, Brigitta - Naboo Civilian (TPM)

Benedetti-Hall, Robert - Engineer (RO)

Benedict, Jay (d. 2020) - Deak - Toschi Station (cut scene) (ANH)

Bennett, Alan - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Bennett, Jeff Glen - (voice only) Abridon Refugee 1/Brenn Tantor (FC)

Bennett, Samantha - (voice only) Arica - Mara Jade disguised as an Exotic Dancer (ROTJr)

Bennett, Sarah - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Benítez, Benjamín - uncredited Rebel Pilot (RO)

Berg, Jon - Nalan Cheel (Bandfill player - Modal Nodes) - Bith; Ohwun De Maal (Goggle Eyes/Ellorrs Madak/Bringe) - Duros (in white); Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead) - Ithorian; Elis Helrot (Skullhead/Kull) - Givin - Cantina (U.S.) (ANH)

Berg, Jack "The Kid" (d 1991) - Technician - Rebel Briefing Room (cut scene) (ANH)

Bergen, Bob - (voice only): Alien Pedestrian, Thug #3, Gungan Citizen#2, EV-7G7 (TPMvg); Coruscant Palace Guard (FC); Coruscant; Gasgano, Ody Mandrell (PR); Luke Skywalker (SOTE, RS, FC, RSIII, JKJA, JO); Rebel Pilot 5 (XWvT)

Berger, Gregg - (voice only): Darth Maul, Battle Droid, Coruscant Guard, Mat Rags, Race Fan (TPMvg); Jinn Reeso, Cy Yunga, Ean Sandage (PR); Darth Maul, Khameir Sarin, Plo Koon (JPB); (KOTOR)

Bergman, Mary Kay (d 1999)- (voice only) Female Human Merchant, Lost Human Boy, Old Naboo Woman, Torno the Hammerhead Boy, Torno's Mother (TPMvg)

Bergman, Ram - uncredited Death Star Technician #2 (RO)

Berk, Ailsa - (puppeteer) Amanaman (Bounty Hunter) - Amanin - Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

Bernath, Antonia - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Bernet, Chopper - (voice only) Commander Kirby (RAII)

Bernstein, Arthur L. - uncredited Stormtrooper (RO)

Berón, David - (voice only): Coruscant Male #1, Race Fanatic #2, Soldier #8 (TPMvg); Rebel Trooper #1 (FC)

Berry, Emily - Mira Twins (KOTOR II)

Best, Ahmed - Jar-Jar Binks/Ackmed-Beq - Republic Pilot (TPM, TPMra, AOTC, JPB), Senator (TPM)

Best, Leanne - Min Sakul (TFA)

Bess, Blair - (voice only) Even Piell (CW08)

Beswick, Doug - Ikabel G'ont (plays with The Modal Nodes) - Bith - Cantina (U.S.) (ANH)

Bettany, Paul - Dryden Vos (S)

Betts, Pamela - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Biddiss, Paul - X-Wing Pilot (TFA)

Bies, Don - Barquin D'an (play with the Modal Nodes) - Bith - Cantina (ANH); Boba Fett - Jabba's Palace (ROTJse)

Birch, Abigail - Scrumrat (S)

Birkenshaw, John (d 1998) -  (ANH, ESB, ROTJ)

Birney, David (d 2022) - (voice only) Anakin Skywalker (ROTJr)

Bishop, Neil - Snowtrooper/Flametrooper (TFA)

Blackner, Danny - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Blackwell, Charles - Palpatine Stand-in (ROTS)

Blais, Peter - (voice only) Trome #3 (E)

Blake, Jerome - Rune Haako; Oppo Rancisis; Mas Amedda; Orn Free Taa; Horox
Ryyder; Graxol Kelvyyn; Trade Federation Delegate (TPM)

Blake, Paul - Greedo - Rodian Bounty Hunter - Cantina (U.K.) (ANH)

Blakiston, Caroline - Mon Mothma - Rebel Alliance (ESB)

Blamires, Hannah - First Order Officer (TFA)

Blanchard, Alison - (voice only) Computer (STTAC)

Blendick, James - (voice only) (ANHr, ROTJr)

Blessed, Brian - (voice only) Boss Nass (TPM)

Bloom, Daniel - (voice only) Bounty Hunter (DFII)

Bloom, Jim - Rebel - Hoth (ESB)

Blue, Verona - Stormtrooper (TFA), uncredited Scarif Antenna Computer (RO)

Blum, Steven Jay - (voice only): AT-ST Driver, Hover Tank Driver (FC); Computer (MOTS); (KOTOR); Zeb Orrelios (REB); Imperial Pilot 4 (XWvT), uncredited (various voices) (RO)

Blundell, Graeme - Ruwee Naberrie (Padmé's father) - (cut scenes) (AOTC); Ruwee Naberrie (Padmé's father) - Funeral (ROTS)

Boa, Bruce (d 2004) - General Carlist Riekkan - Rebel Alliance Officer - Hoth (ESB)

Bond, Len - Stormtrooper (ROTJ)
Boyce, Todd - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Boekelheide, Todd - (voice only) Cantina Walla (ANH)

Bonehill, Richard (d 2015) - Stormtrooper; Snowtrooper; Rebel Soldier; Taun Taun Handler (ESB); Nien Nunb; Stormtrooper; Mon Calamari; Ree Yees; Mosep; X-Wing Pilot; TIE
Pilot; Stand-in (ROTJ)

Bonfils Khan (d 2015) - Saesee Tiin (Jedi Knight) - Iktotchi (TPM)

*Boomansall, Michael - Naboo Royal Guard (TPM)

Boothman, Colby - (voice only) Luke Skywalker (Ba2015)

Botelho, Niki - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ); Teek (EBFE)

Botha, Victor - Death Trooper (RO)

Bottin, Rob - Bith (plays with Modal Nodes) - Cantina (ANH)

Bourriague, Michonne - Aurra Sing (Nashta) (Bounty Hunter) (TPM)

Bovell, Dempsey - Imperial Clerk (S)

Bowers, Chris - Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher stand-in: Endor US) (ROTJ)

Bowers, David - Mas Amedda (Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate) - Chagrian (AOTC, ROTS)

Bowley, Linda - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Bowman, Lorrane - Bar Patron (in production notes) - Cantina (U.K.) (ANH)

Boyce, Todd - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Boyd, Alexandra - (voice only) Ferry Shuttle Pilot (FC); Ruulian Civilian (FC)

Boyd, Doug - (voice only) Male Farmer/Rohan Wayside (BFN)

Boyd, Guy - Jerimitt Towani (EA)

Boyd, Susan - (voice only) Rebel Transport Ship Captain/Royal cannon (GB)

Boyega, John - FN- 2187 - Finn (TFA, TLJ, TROS)

Boyle, Marco (Marc/Mark) (d 1999) - (ANH), Creature falling into Sarlacc Pit, Han Solo double - Sarlacc Pit; Rebel Commando - Endor (ROTJ)

Boyle, Steven - Ask Aak/Passell Argente (AOTC)

Brace, Peter (d 2018) - Chewbacca double (ANH); Chewbacca double in throne room (ROTJ)

Bradford, Andy - Lieutenant Tanbris (ANH)

Bramhill, Peter - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Breaban, Ancuta - (TFA)

Bremmer, Richard - ? (TROS)

Brener, Josh - (voice only) Neeku Vozo (RES)

Brewster, Anna - Bazine Netal (TFA)

Bridges, Rony (d 2019) - First Order Admiral (TFA)

Briggins, Dante - Stormtrooper (TFA, TLJ)

Brimley, Wilford (d 2020)  - Noa Briqualon (EBFE)

Brissette, Tiffany - (voice only) Cindel Towani (EA)

Britt, Rick - Palso Thern - Rebel Pilot - Briefing Room (ROTJ)

Brodie-Sangster, Thomas - Petty Officer Thanisson - First Order Officer (TFA)

Brook, Apple (d 2023) - (ANDOR)

Brook, Darrel - Rebel Soldier - Endor (ROTJ)

Brook, Russell - Rebel Pilot - Endor (ROTJ)

Brooke, Paul - Malakili - Rancor Keeper/Owner - Rancor Pit (ROTJ)

Brooks, Jill - Opera Guest (ROTS)

Brooks, Joel - (voice only) Heater (ANHr)

Brooks, Kimberly - (voice only): (KOTOR); Naboo Scout Captain/Y-Wing
Pilot (GB)

Brown, Billy - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Brown, Clancy - (voice only) Montross - Science Officer (BH)

Brown, Melleny - (voice only) Lady Gorneesh (E); Urgah (E); Darva (D)

Brown, Michael - Stormtrooper/Imperial Officer - Endor (ROTJ)

Brown, Phil (d 2006) - Uncle Owen Lars (ANH)

Brown, Ralph - Ric Olié - Pilot (TPM, TPMra)

Browne, Kale - (voice only) Biggs Darklighter (ANHr)

Buchanan, Stephen - Stormtrooper (ANH); Holographic Imperial Officer - Star Destroyer #3 (ESB)

Budd, Stuart - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Buescher, Julianne - (voice only) Concerned Boy (TPMvg)

Bulloch, Jeremy (d 2020) - Boba Fett - Bounty Hunter (ESB, ROTJ); Lieutenant Sheckil -
Imperial Officer (ESB); Captain Colton - Alderaanian Pilot - Tantive IV (ROTS)

Bumpass, Rodger - (voice only) Star Tours Commercial (STTAC)

Bunn, Chris - Rebel Tech (ANH); Unnamed Starpilot - Human - Cantina (U.K.) (ANH)

Burchette, Janice - Nabrun Leids - Unknown species - Cantina (U.K.) (ANH)

Burghardt, Arthur - Imperial Officer 5 (XWvT)

Burleigh, Mercedes - Control Room Technician - Hoth (ESB)

Burner, L - Lt. Nik Sant (Captain Rex) Rebel Commando (Trooper) - Outside Bunker; Scout Trooper - Outside Bunker (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Burnett, Ted (d 2001) - Wuher the Bartender - Human - Cantina (ANH)
Burns, Bill (d 2000) - (ESB, ROTJ)

Burns, Donny - (voice only) (D)

Burns, Toby - Citizen - Human - Mos Eisley (ANH)

Burroughs, Jackie (d 2010) - (voice only): Morag (E); Tulgah Witch (E)

Burroughs, Peter - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Burson, Greg (d 2008) - (voice only) Boss Nass; Guard Door; Injured soldier 1; Jabba's Porter; Shop Owner (TPMvg)

Burton, Clyde - (voice only) (ANHr, ROTJr)

Burton, Corey - (voice only) Count Dooku (CW03); Count Dooku (CW08)

Burtt, Ben - (sound and voice) R2-D2/Jawas/Red 11/Falcon Chess characters/Death Star PA (ANH); (voice only) Jabba the Hutt/Officer on Endor "Freeze..." (AT-AT pilot), Speeder Bike Trooper "One seven decimal two eight" (ROTJ); Naboo Courier (TPM)

Bush, Maurice (Morris or "Morrie") (d 1995) - Darth Vader stand-in (ANH); Dengar - Corellian Human Bounty Hunter (ESB, ROTJ)

Busby, Jane- Chief Chirpa - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Butera, Rachel - (voice only) Princess Leia (RES)

Butterfield, Trevor - Imperial Officer; Stormtrooper (ESB); Bossk; Stormtrooper; Calamari Warrior; Lieutenant Blount; Gasgano Giran (Assistant Rancor Keeper) - Human - Rancor Pit (ROTJ)

Buza, George - (voice only): Chief Chirpa - Ewok; Lumat - Ewok; Nah-Kee - Ewok (E)

Byrd, Eugene - (voice only) (TFA); Zander (FMA)

Byrne, Eddie (d 1981) - Commander/General Vanden Willard (Rebel Alliance) - Yavin 4 (ANH)

Byrne, Michael - JoClad Danva (Jedi Knight) - Human (AOTC); Dooku Stand-in/Grievous
Stand-in (ROTS)

Byrne, Rose - Cordé - Handmaiden (AOTC)

Cade, Terry - Stormtrooper - Death Star (ANH); Rebel Soldier - Hoth (ESB)

Calcutt, Stephen - Chewbacca stand-in; body double Darth Vader (ANH)

Callen, John - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Cameron, Alister - Rebel Sergeant (Hit by Wampa) - Hoth Base (cut scenes) (ESB)

Camp, Hamilton (d 2005) - (voice only) Rune Haaku; Tie Bomber pilot (GB)

Campbell, Alexi Kaye - Naboo Guard (TPM)

Campbell, Graeme (d 1993) - (voice only): Proto One; Lord Todah; Admiral Screed (D)

Campbell, Paul - Stand-in (AOTC)

Canning, Josh - Jedi Padawan (ROTS)

Cannon, John - Holographic Imperial Officer, Stormtrooper (ESB, ROTJ)

Cantu, Nicolas - (voice only) Rowan (FMA)

Capri, Mark- Imperial Warrant Officer M'kae - Star Destroyer Avenger (ESB)

Capurro, Scott - (voice only) Fodesinbeed (Beed) Annodue - Troig - Pod Race Announcer (TPM, TPMvg, PR)

Cardiff, Rodney - Imperial Shuttle Pilot - Second Death Star (ROTJ)

Carlson, Nathan - (voice only): Helpful Citizen; Sleeping Man; Tourist; Underground Worker
(TPMvg); (KOTOR)

Carney, Art (d 2003) - Saun Dann - The Merchant (SWHS)

*Carr, Sam - (TFA)

Carrington, Debbie Lee (d 2018) - Weechee Warrick - Ewok (EA); Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Carroll Diahann (d 2019) - Mermeia - Holographic Wow (SWHS)

Carson, Silas - Ki-Adi Mundi (AOTC, ROTS), Lott Dodd, Nute Gunray (AOTC, ROTS),
Radiant VII Co-Pilot (TPM)

Carson, Terrence TC - (voice only): Mace Windu (CW03, ROTSvg, CWvg, GB)

Carter, Michael - Bib Fortuna (Jabba's Advisor) - Twi'lek - Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

Cassidy, Mike - (stunts) Weequay (thrown from skiff); Stormtrooper - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Castle-Hughes, Keisha - Queen of Naboo (ROTS)

Castleton, Tony (d 1987) - (ANH, ROTJ)

Cavanagh, Danny - Extra (TPM)

Cedar, Larry - (voice only) Protocol Droid/Cultist 1/Hazardtrooper 1 (JKJA)

Ceesay, Babou - Lieutenant Sefla (RO)

Chabert, Lacey - (voice only) Mako (TOR)

Chafer, Derek - Stormtrooper (ANH), Stormtrooper (ESB)

Chaikin, Andrew - (voice only): (KOTORII); Hobbie/Commander 6/ Windy (RSIII);
Ewoks/Gungans (GED); Guk Yorba, Ruuk (JS)

Chamberlain, Doug - (voice only) Logray - Ewok Mystic (E)

Chambers, Jamie Ben - Heavy Gunner Stormtrooper (TFA)

Chan, Anna - Handmaiden (ROTS)

Chan, Kee - Senator Malé-Dee (ROTS)

Chancer, Norman - Tamizander Rey - Rebel Officer (ESB)

Chanchani, Dhruv - Kitster (TPM)

Chandler, Vivienne (d 2013) - Rebel Pilot (ROTJ) - (See Maya, Vivienne)

Chapman, Dave - BB-8 performer (TFA, TLJ, TROS), Rio Durant & Lady Proxima Lead Performance (S)

Chapman, John - Gil "Drifter" Varay X-Wing Pilot: Red 12 - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Chappell, Michael - (stand-in) Clan Leader (TFA)

Charles, Joseph - Savareen Air Traffic Controller (S)

Charlton, Maureen - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Chato, Paul - (voice only) Paploo - Ewok (E)

Chen, Alvin - Volzang Li-Thrull (TFA)

Cheregotis, Stacy - Ame Llom in Outlander Club (AOTC)

Chesterton, Chloe - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Chew, Dalyn - Jabba's Rock Dancer Lyn Me (ROTJse)

Cheylov, Milan - (voice only) (D)

Chiang, Doug- Flag Bearer (TPM)

Childs, G. W. - (voice only) Imperial Infantry (Ba)

Chilvers, Nick - Additional voices (KOTOR II)

Chimes, Alan - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Chionchio, Dominique - Olana Chion - Jedi Knight (ROTS)

Chong, Christina - (cut scenes, character unspecified at this time) (TFA)

Christensen, Hayden - Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (Jedi Knight/Sith Lord) (AOTC, ROTS)

Christiansen, Mark - Rebel (RAII)

Christie, Gwendoline - Captain Phasma (TFA, TLJ, RES)

Christopher, Jamie (d 2023) - Jaycris Tubbs (TLJ)

Chu, Kevin - Citizen ("Leatherman") - Mos Eisley (ANHse)

Chudasama, Dee - Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master) - Iktotchi (ROTS)

Church, David - Tech/Stormtrooper (ANH); Lieutenant Judder Page (Rebel Commando) (ROTJ)

Chwu, Jordan - Boy (TFA)

Cimino, Rick - (voice only) Chief Chirpa - Ewok (E)

Clarke, Cam - (voice only) Sith Diplomat/Kono Nolan/Gate Guard Trewin/ Junio Czerka
Scientist/Sith Student/others (KOTOR); (STTAC)

Clarke, Crystal - Ensign Goode (TFA)

Clarke, Emelia - Qi'ra (S)

Clarke, Gin - Adi Gallia - Jedi Knight (TPM, AOTC)

Clarke, Mickey - Cantina Patron or Mos Eisley Citizen (ANH)

Clarke, Norton (d 1987/8) - Rebel Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Clarke, Robin (Robin - not Robert - according to script supervisor Ann Skinner's notes ) - Wulff Yularen - Death Star Conference Room (ANH)

Clarke, Robert (van Kaphengst, Robert) - Rebel General, Imperial Officer, Sergeant Torent (ANH)

Clay, Jamie - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Clay, William - Ister Paddie (AOTC)

Clennon, David - (voice only) Admiral Motti (ANHr)

Cleverdon, Scott- (voice only) Nute Gunray (TPM); Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master

Coe, George (d 2015) - (voice only) Tee Watt Kaa (TCW08)

Coffin, Frederick (d 2003) - (voice only) Stormtrooper (JO)

Cohen, Gilda (d 2003) - Little Aunt Beru//Cantina Patron (ANH)

Cole, Harold (d ) - Vader (close-up of hands holding Luke's Lightsaber) - Endor; Biker Scout - Endor; Rebel - Endor (ROTJ)

Cole, Tosin - Lieutenant Bastian - Human X-Wing Pilot (TFA)

Coleman, Rob - Pod Race Spectator - Boonta Eve Classic (TPM); Romeo Treblanc - Opera Guest (ROTS)

Collaço, Bern - First Order General on Starkiller Base Platform (TFA), Stormtrooper/Landing Crew (RO)

Colley, Kenneth - Admiral Firmus Piett - Imperial (ESB, ROTJ)

Colley, Samantha - Ottilie (S)

Collins, David W. - (voice only) Briefings Officer (Ba), ? (Ba2015); Stormtroopers/Resistance Soldiers/Hangar Control Officer - Finalizer (TFA)

Conboy, Elizabeth - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Condren, Tim (d 2006) - Stormtrooper (opening scene) (ANH)

Conrad, Les (d 2024) - Rebel Soldier - Hoth (ESB), Gamorrean Guard - Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)
Conrad, Ron - Sergeant Major Enfield - Imperial (ANH)

Conrad, Roy (d 2002) - (voice only) Captain Merrick Simms (RAII)

Conrad, Shirley - Rebel - Hoth (ESB), Dignitary (TPM)

Considine, John - (voice only) Lord Tion - Imperial (ANHr)

Contractor, Nazneen - (voice only) Synara San (RES)

Contreras, Christian - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Cook, Aiden - (puppeteer) Bobbajo (TFA); Edrio Caitken, Stono Tuggs, Two Tubes (RO)

Cook, Angus - uncredited Mechanic (RO)

Cook, Brendan - uncredited Rebel Marine (RO)

Cook, Rachel Leigh - (voice only) Jaesa Willsaam (TOR)

Cooke, Ben - Kit Fisto/Body Guard/Anakin Stunt Double (ROTS)

Coombs, Kenneth - Imperial Officer (ROTJ)

Cooper, Emma J. - Yoda stand-in (ROTS)

Coopwood, Jeff - (voice only) Captain Panaka (TPMvg, BFN), Narrator (BFN), Neimoidian
Controller (TPM)

Cope, Robert (d 2008) - Eugroothwa - Wookiee Warrior (ROTS)

Coppen, Leanne (d 2010) - (voice only) Ewoks: Baby Nippet (EA); Winda Warrick (E)

Coppen, Willie - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Coppinger, John - Horox Ryyder/Senator Yarua (TPM)

Coppola, Roman - Cid Rushing - Senate Guard Naboo (TPM)

Coppola, Sofia - Saché - Handmaiden (TPM)
Corfield, Hermione - Tallie Lintra - A-Wing Squadron Commander (TLJ)

Corlis, James - Kit Fisto (ROTS)

Corre (Corrie), Sadie (d 2009) - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Correll, Patrick - (voice only) (TFA)

Costantino, Stephen - Skiff Guard - Jabba's Sail Barge (ROTJ)

Cottrell, Michaela - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ); Even Piell (Jedi Master) (TPM)

Cottrell, Mike- Ewok Warrior - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Coulier, Mark - Aks Moe (TPM)

Court, Alyson - (voice only) Malani - Ewok (E)

Court, Jason - (voice only) Kyle Katarn (DF2)

Cowan, Rob - (voice only) Punt - Ewok (E); Thall Joben (D)

Cox, Chris - (voice only) Wedge Antilles (JKJA); Adm. Ackbar/Imperial Officer 2/Boba
Fett/Wedge/Wingman 5 (RSIII)

Cox, James - (stunts) (TFA, RO)

Cox, Janell - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Cox, Tony - Willy (AKA Widdle) - Ewok (EBFE), Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Coyle, Patrick - Imperial Royal Guard Kir Kanos (CEab)

Craig, Daniel - Stormtrooper JB-007 (TFA)

Cranna, James (d 2017) - (voice only) Teebo - Ewok (E)

Crawford, Sean - Saelt-Marae (Yak Face), Mon Calamari Officer (ROTJ)

Cresswell, Jenny - Jenny (Local Girl #2 with Han Solo) - Human - Cantina (ANH)

Criss, Darren - (voice only) (STTAC)

Crooms, Adeal (d 2003) - (voice only) Wicket W. Warrick - Ewok (ROTJ)

Crossen, Sabine - uncredited Jedha City Citizen (RO)

Crowley, Dermot- General Crix Madine, Rebel Alliance (ROTJ)
Cruickshanks, Alexander - uncredited X-Wing Pilot

Csokas, Marton - (voice only) Poggle the Lesser (AOTC)

Culver, Michael (d 2024)  - Captain Lorth Needa - Imperial (ESB)

Cumming, Jim - (voice only) Hondo Ohnaka - Weequay (CW08)

Cumming, John - Worak - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)
Cunliffe, Renee - (d ????) - (Emperor's Arrival scene) (ROTJ)

Cunningham, Andy (d 2017) - Ephant Mon - Chevin (ROTJ)

Cunningham, Richard - General Ramda (RO)

Curry, Shaun (d 2009) - Rebel Commander - Hoth (ESB)

Curry, Tim - (voice only) Palpatine (CW08 - Seasons 5,6)

Curtis, Alfie (d 2017) - Dr. Cornelius (Roofoo) Evazan (Grubby Human) - Human - Cantina (ANH)

Curtis, Keene (d 2002) - Grand Moff Tarkin (Imperial) (ANHr)

Cush, Ronny - Grizz Frix (X-Wing Pilot) (ROTJ)

Cushing, Peter (d 1994) - Grand Moff Tarkin (Imperial) - Death Star (ANH)

Cuzner, Nathalie - PZ-4CO - (TFA)

Cygan, John (d 2017) - (voice only) Dash Rendar (SOTE), Canderous Orno (KOTOR)


D'Agostino, Jean - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Dale, Matthew - uncredited Red Jedha Priest (RO)

Dallas, Zarene - uncredited Lieutenant Zal Dinnes - X-Wing Pilot Red Eight (RO)

Dameron, Morgan - Commodore Meta (TFA)

Daniel, Rimmel - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Daniel, Robert Pike - (voice only) OOM-14/Royal Knight/TIE Fighter Pilot (GB), ATC,
Landing Platform (FC)

Daniels, Anthony - (some are voice only) C-3PO (ANH, SWHS, ANHr, D, ESB, ESBr, ROTJ, ROTJr TPM, AOTC, ROTS, CW03, STTAC, TFA, REB, Ba2015, RO, TLJ, RES, TROS), CZ-3 (ANH), Lieutenant Faytonni (AOTC; ROTS), Tak (S)

Daniels, Ben - General Antoc Merrick - Blue Leader (RO)

Danks-Smith, Natalie - Hand Maiden (AOTC)

Daraphet, Mimi - Bultar Swan (Jedi Knight) (ROTS)

D'arcy, Danny - Rebel Pilot - Briefing Room (ROTJ)

Darling, Russell - Naboo Royal Security Guard (TPM); Coruscant Starfreighter
Passenger (AOTC)

Darrow, Paul (d 2019) - (voice only) Wilhuff Tarkin (EAW, SWTOR)

DaSilva, Karol Cristina - Rabé - Handmaiden (TPM)
Dave, Prince - uncredited Jedha Native (RO)

Davenport, Claire (d 2002) - Yarna d'al'Gargan (dancer) - Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

David, Fay - Fé - Handmaiden (TPM); Shaak Ti - Jedi Knight (AOTC); Luminara Unduli (Jedi Knight) (ROTS)

Davidson, Nick - Imperial Officer/Rebel Bridge Crew (RO)

Davies, Billy - Takeel (Snaggletooth) - Snivvian in Cantina (ANH)  Note: Replaced by Alf Mangan

Davies, David - (voice only) Obi-Wan Kenobi's Knight (GB), Ben Kenobi (RSII)

Davies, Paul - Meena Tills - Mon Calamari (cut scene) (ROTS)

Davies, Robert - Local Ugly Man #4 - Human - Cantina (ANH)

Davis, Jonathan - (voice only): Narrator (PODab, 30+ titles!); (TOR)

Davis, Kim - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K./U.S.) (ROTJ)

Davis, Paul - Drill Wookiee Slave (S)

Davis, Warwick - Wicket W. Warrick - Ewok (U.K./U.S.) (ROTJ); Wicket W. Warrick - Ewok (EBFE); Grimy, Wald, Weazel, Yoda (stand-in) (TPM); Wollivan (TFA), Weeteef Cyubee (RO), Weazel (S)

Davison, Nick - uncredited Imperial Officer/Rebel Bridge Crew (RO)

Daza, Ditry - (voice only) Ewoks (ROTJ)

Deacon, Brian - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Deanda, Dean - Boba Fett (STTAC)

De Aragon, Maria (d 2024) - Greedo (Bounty Hunter) - Rodian - Cantina (ANH)

Dearlove, Jack (d 2009) - ? / Harrison Ford Stand-in (ANH, ESB, ROTJ)

Deck, Andrea - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Dehn, Edmund - (voice only) Commander Ackbar (EaW)

Deila, Ingvild - Princess Leia (RO)

De Jesus, Luis (d 1988) - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

De Jongh, Jules - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Delancy, Phil - Naboo Pilot (TPM)

de la Tour, Andy - General Hurst Romodi (RO)

Delf, Jamie - Imperial Guard (RO)

Delisle, Grey (Also, Grey Griffin) - (voice only): Asajj Ventress (CW03); Leia Organa/Hover Transport Driver/Ruulian Terrorist (FC); Queen Amidala (E1I, JPB); Twi'lek Girl (E1I)

Delk, Denny - (voice only): Dying Rebel, Narrator (DF); Intercom (RA); Pic (DF2);
Intercom/Red Shirt One (RAII); Wicket W. Warrick (E); Narrator (RSIII)

Del Toro, Benicio - DJ (TLJ)

Dench, Axel - Merumeru (Wookiee Warrior) (ROTS)

Denham, Barbara (Barbie Frankland) - Hrchek Kal Fas (Crocker #1) - Saurin - Cantina (ANH)

Denker, Oliver - Naboo Senator (TPM)

Dennehy, Ned - uncredited Prisoner (RO)

Dennen, Barry (d 2017) - (voice only) King Ramsis Dendup (CW08)

Dennis, Charles - (voice only): (KOTOR); Ulic Qel-Droma (CWvg)

Dennis, Peter (d 2009) - (voice only) Moff Jerjerrod - Imperial (ROTJr)

Dern, Laura - Vice Admiral Holdo (TLJ)

De Crespigny, Sarah-Jane - Slave (S)

De la Tour, Andy - General Hurst Romodi (RO)

De Serrano, Jeffrey - Commander (STTAC)

De Souza Correa, Caroline - Sheltay Retrac - Bail Organa's Aide (ROTS)

Devon, Richard (d 2010) - (voice only) (E)

Dewing, Seb - Naboo Guard (blue -Palpatine's escort)/Stand-in (TPM)

De'Winter, Keith - Goss Toowers - Shozer Resistance Technician (TFA)

Dharker, Ayesha - Queen Jamillia (AOTC)

Diamond, Frazer - Jawa (ANH)

Diamond, Peter (d 2004) - Stormtrooper, Garouf Lafoe - Human - Cantina, Tusken Raider, Stunt Coordinator (ANH); 
Snowtrooper (shooter), Stormtrooper - Carbon Freeze Chamber, Ugnaught - Sorting Room, Rebel Controller - Hoth (ESB); 
Guard on Jabba's Barge, Weequay with Staff, Skiff guard falling into Sarlacc Pit?, Stormtrooper, Rebel in Bunker - Endor, Biker Scout - Endor (thrown into tree), Skiff guard double (throne room) (ROTJ)

Diamond, Warwick - Jawa (ANH)

Dick, Jamie - (voice only) Coby (D)

Dickins, Michael - Knight of Ren (TFA)

Dicks, John (d 2022) - Captain Lennox - Imperial Officer (ESB)

Dilts, Mary - (voice only): Civilian Woman/Droid Eye 2 (MOTS); (GED)

DiMaggio, John - (voice only) General Grievous/Tarr Seirr (CW03)

Diskin, Ben - (voice only) TIE Pilot #1 (REB)

Dix, Justin - Dixon Just (Male Patron) - Human - Outlander Club (AOTC)

Dixon, Debbie - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Dixon, Jonathan - (voice only) Jakku Scavenger (TFA)

Dixon, Malcolm (d 2020)  - Jawa (ANH); Leektar (Skull on head) - Ewok - Endor (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Dixon, Richard - Elite Citizen (S)

Dodson, Mark (d 2024) - (voice only): Salacious B. Crumb/various Ewoks (ROTJ); Ewoks/Phlogs (E); Laughing Bar Patrons/Ubdurian Gamers - Maz Kanata's Castle/Scavenger voice (Unkar Plutt scene) (TFA)

Dolan, Julie - (voice only) (STTAC); Princess Leia (REB, FMA)

Dona, Eliana - Kell Borean - Nikto (AOTC); Hand Maiden (ROTS)

Donald, Nick - uncredited Imperial Gunner (TFA)

Donaldson, Lesleh - (voice only) Kea Moll (D)

Donaldson, Tim - Jawa (US) (ANH)

Donat Richard - (voice only) Deej Warrick - Ewok (E)

Dondero, Michael - (voice only) Battle Droid/Protocol Droid (TPM); video production
support (RAII)

Donovan, Michael - (voice only) Stormtrooper (TFA)

Doran, Matt - Elan Sleazebaggano (Elan Sel'Sabagno) - Balosar - Outlander Club (AOTC)

Douglas, Terri - (voice only) (TFA)

Dowdall, Jim - Stormtrooper (opening scene)/stunts (ANH); Stormtrooper, Bespin Guard (ESB)

Downes, Robin Atkin - (voice only): Mekel/Griff/Vulkar Mechanic (KOTOR); Rush Clovis/Cham Syndulla/Castas/Elderly Muun/Aqualish Senator/Rattataki/Cin Drallig/Master Ima-Gun Di/Toydarian Minister #1/Pantoran Guard (CW08); Cham Syndulla/Rebel Captain/Imperial Officer #2 (REB); Concourse Overhead VO Announcer (STTAC) + more!

Drew, Michael - Jake Farrell "Copy Gold Leader" - A-Wing Pilot (ROTJ)

Drisco, Bobby - Rebel Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Driscoll, Richard - X-Wing Pilot - Rebel Alliance (ROTJ)

Driver, Adam - Kylo Ren (TFA, TLJ, RES, TROS)

Dry, Tim - Tanus Spijek - Elom Spy in Jabba's Palace, J'Quille - Wiphid (ROTJ)

Duff, Norwich - Jeroen Webb (Rebel) - Hoth (ESB)

*Duffy, Mark - Naboo Civilian (TPM)

Du Fresne, Graeme - Technician - War Room - Yavin (ANH)

Dukakis, John - (voice only) Rebel (ROTJr)

Dukes, David (d 2000) - (voice only) Bib Fortuna (ROTJr)

Dukes, Peter (d 2003) - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Dunbar, Adrian - Bail Antilles (unused) (TPM)

Duncan, Alastair - (voice only) Reborn 1/Cultist 2/Imperial Officer 1 (JKJA)

Duncan-Brewster, Sharon - Senator Tynnra Pamlo (RO)

Duncan, Lindsay - (voice only) TC-14 (TPM)

Dunham, Duwayne - Boba Fett (1978 test footage - white Fett, and first public appearance of Boba Fett) (Not in any film or TV)

Dunphy, Keith - Blockade Runner Pilot (RO)

Durrant, Ian - Stormtrooper, Hoth Rebel (ESB); Rebel Soldier (ROTJ)

Durst, Harley - Moloch performer (S)

Duxbury, Warren - Aide to Senator Dowmeia (AOTC)


Eckhouse, James - (voice only) Beta (ESBr)

Eager, Michael (Malcolm) - Naboo Guard/Officer (ROTS)

Eason, Phil (d 2020) - (puppeteer) Yaddle (TPM)

Easton, C. Michael - Podrace Spectator (TPM); Airbus Pilot "Bus Driver" (AOTC)

Eaton, Marjorie (d 1986) - Emperor Palpatine (hologram image) (ROTJ) Note: voice was Clive Revill in the original version.

Eccles, Julie - (voice only): Jan Ors (DF); Ru Murleen (RAII)

Eckstein, Ashley - (voice only) Fulcrum (REB)

Eddon, Eddie (d 1999) - Lieutenant Pello Scrambras (opening scene) (ANH)

Eddon (Eden), Sadie - Reegesk - Ranat (Rat Alien) - Cantina (ANH)

Eddon, Tracey - Rebel Controller on Hoth (ESB); C3P0 stunts, Princess Leia stunts - Jabba's Barge (rope swing), Skiff Creature, Rebel in Bunker on Endor, Stormtrooper on Endor, C3P0 double (ROTJ)

Edden, Tom - First Order Officer (TFA)

Edgerly, Chris - (voice only) (STTAC)

Edgerton, Joel - Owen Lars (AOTC, ROTS)

Edgerton, Nash - (stunts) (stand-in) Ewan McGregor (AOTC, ROTS)

Edmonds, Mike - Jabba the Hutt (tail); Logray - Ewok Mystic - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Edwards, Cameron - Jakku Villager (TFA)

*Edwards, Charles - Rebel Alliance Commander (ROTJse)

Edwards, Gareth - uncredited Rebel Soldier (RO)

Egeland, Tom - Rebel Alliance Commander - Hoth (ESB)

Eghan, Daniel - uncredited Partisan Style Y - Militiaman (RO)

Ehrenreich, Alden - Han Solo (S)

Eiba, Robri - Theed Citizen (TPM)

Ellenshaw, Harrison - Rebel Alliance Officer (ESB)

Eller, Bryce "Kermit" - (Publicity Vader - 1970s-1980s) 

Elliott, Emun - Brance (TFA)

*Elliott, Lindsay - Pod Race Spectator (TPM)

Elliott, Stephen (d 2005) - (voice only) Prestor (Bail Antilles) (ANHr)

Ellis, Desmond - (voice only) Rock Wizard (E)

Ellis, Greg (AKA Jonny Rees) - (voice only) Disciple (KOTOR II)

Ellis, John - Pod Race Spectator (TPM)
Elphick, Michael (d 2002) - (ANH)

Elross, Robert (d 2004) - (voice only) Logray (EA)

English, Stephanie - Base Technician (Rebel) - Hoth (ESB)

Epstein, Mark - Patron - Alien - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA)

Erland, Jonathan - Imperial Controller (laser beam shaft leaning into controls) - Death Star (ANH)

Ernster, Catherine - Naboo Citizen (TPM), Handmaiden to Padm

Esch, David (d 2015) - (voice only) Han Solo (GB)

Esse, Marc - uncredited Imperial Officer (S)

Estrin, Larry - Stormtrooper (ROTJ)
Everex-Collett, Mark - TIE Fighter pilot and Elite Special Forces TIE pilot (TFA)

Everson, Roy - 'Lightman' (ROTJ)

Eynon, David - Hol Okand - Gold Six - Rebel Alliance (ANH)

Faison, Donald - (voice only) Hype Fazon (RES)

Falk, Ronald (d 2016) - (voice and body movements only) Dexter Jettster (AOTC)

Falke (Falcke), Stenson (d 1993) - Imperial Officer - Death Star (ANH)

Falkinburg, Kim - Djas Puhr (Bounty Hunter) - Sakiyan - Cantina (ANH)

Fallon, Nina - Stass Allie (on speeder) (ROTS)

Falls, T.J. - (voice only) (TFA)

Fantini, Michael - (voice only) Baby Wiley, Aunt Bozzie - Ewok (E)

Fantl, Nicole - Senator Lexi Dio (AOTC)

Fardon, Joshua - (voice only) Luke Skywalker (ROTJr)

Fares, Fares - Senator Vaspar (RO)

Farmer, Bill - (voice only) ? (RA)

Farnaby, Simon - Farns Monsbee - Blue Five (RO)

Farrell, Damian - Mimban Guard (S)

Farrel, Margarita - (see Fernández, Margarita)

Favreau, Jon - (voice only) Rio Durant (S)

Fawcett, Alan - (voice only) Trebla - Ewok (E)

Feldshuh, Tovah - (voice only) Aunt Z (RES)

Fell, Stuart - Snowtrooper - Hoth (ESB)

Fennoy, Dave - (voice only) Toy Dampner (R); Lando Calrissian, Dunari (EWA)

Fensom, John - TC-14 (TPM)

Fernandez, Alan (d 2023) - Tusken Raider (ANH)

Fernandez, Kristine - Slave (S)

Fernández, Margarita - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ); Kaink - Ewok Priestess (EA)

Ferrer, Rafael - (voice only) Darth Malak (KOTOR)

Ferry, Scott (d 2001) - (voice only) Marauder (EBFE)

Field, David - Imperial Navy Trooper (Operator) - Second Death Star (ROTJ)

*Field, Nick - Passel Argente - Geonosian War Room (U.K.) (AOTC)

Fielder, Harry H. "Aitch" (d 2021) - Imperial Guard Grenwick - Death Star (ANH)

Figueiredo, Eben - Imperial Mudtrooper (S)

Filanowski, James - Imperial Officer (S)

Filoni, Dave - (voice only): Stormtrooper #1 (REB); (TFA)

Finlay, Sandi - Sly Moore (Palpatine's Aide) (AOTC, ROTS)

Firth, Peter - (voice only) Captain BeriTulon (FC)

Fisher, Carrie (d 2016) - Princess/Senator/New Republic Leader Leia Organa (ANH, SWHS, ESB,

Fitzalan, Stephen (Stephen Holland) - Guard/Hangar Bay Ground Crew/Stormtrooper (ESB); Mon Calamari at Ewok Celebration - Endor (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Fitzgerald, Antony - uncredited Jedha Native (RO)

Fitzgerald, Tom - (voice only) GT-9T (STTAC)

Flanagan, Fionnula - Catarine Towani (EA)

Fleetwood, Kate - First Order Officer (TFA)

Fleming, Cailey - Young Rey (TFA)

Flood, Tom - Imperial Technician (ESB)

Florian, Robin - (stunts) (TFA)

Flyng, Alan - Stormtrooper (ESB); Imperial Officer - Executor (ROTJ)

Fondacaro, Phil - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Fondacaro, Sal - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Ford, Harrison - General Han Solo (ANH, SWHS, ESB, ROTJ, TFA)

Ford-Davies, Oliver - Sio Bibble (TPM, AOTC, ROTS)

Ford, Ray - Rebel (opening scene) - Enson Chad Hilse on Tantive IV (ANH)

Foreman, Amanda - (voice only) (TFA)

Forgeham, John (d 2017) - Imperial Officer Bolvan (ANH) "There goes another one"

Forman, Dave - Pedrin Gaul - X-Wing Pilot: Red Five (RO)

Forrest, Anthony - Sandtrooper - Mos Eisley, Fixer (cut scenes) (ANH)

Fosselius, Ernie - (voice only): Malakili (Rancor Keeper), Giran (Assistant Rancor Keeper) - Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

Foster, Lawrence - Blue Senate Guard (ROTS)

Foster, Robert - (voice only): Speeder Bike Trooper (FC); Wedge Antilles (RS, FC)

Fowler, Hal - Mimban Lieutenant (S)

Fox, Stuart - Imperial Naval Trooper (Operator) - Second Death Star (ROTJ)

Foy, Steven - Wookiee Warrior (ROTS)

Fraley, Pat - (voice only): (KOTOR, RS III, KSW, JJJab)

Francis, Jake - uncredited Rebel Marine (RO)

Francis, Kain - (puppeteer) Izby (Creature), (Droid) (TFA)

Francis, Terry - Stormtrooper (ANH), Snowtrooper (ESB)

Francks, Don (d 2016) - (voice only) Dulok Shaman, Umwak (E)

Francolini, Anna - Imperial Emigration Officer (S)

Frandy, Michael A. - Imperial Shuttle Mechanic (ESBse)

Franklin, Richard (d 2023) - Engineer Sirro Argonne (RO)

Fraser, Shelagh (d 2000) - Aunt Beru Lars (ANH)

Frazer, Scott - uncredited Comms. Tech (RO)

Frazier, Ron - (voice only) Deck Officer (ESBr)

Freeborn, Stuart - Skiff (ROTJ)

Freer, Chantal - Ellé - Handmaiden (cut scenes) (ROTS)

French, Bruce - (voice only) (ANHr, ROTJr)

Fried, Myra - (voice only) Hoona (E)

Friedlander, Judah - Bar Patron - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA)

Friedman, Ira - Theed Citizen (TPM)

Friedman, Peter - (voice only) Dak (ESBr)

Friel, Tony - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Frishman, Daniel - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ); Deej Warrick - Ewok (EA, EBFE)

Frost, Sasha - Jakku Villager (TFA)

Fryer-Kelsey, Mick - Oskus Stooratt (Bar Pirate) - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA)

Fuller, Tex (d 2020)x - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Fushille-Burke, Celia - Greeata (Dancer) - Rodian Dancer - Jabba's Palace (ROTJse)

Fuson, Lisa - (voice only) Princess Leia (SOTE)

Futterman, Nika - (voice only) Shaak Ti (LTPM)


Gadsdon, Beau - Young Jyn (RO)

Gadsdon, Dolly - Younger Jyn (RO)

Gage, Glori - (voice only) Charal as the Young Witch (EBFE)

Gagliano, Ted - Sandtrooper with Binoculars - Tatooine (ANHse)

Gale, Paul - Itchy (Chewbacca's father) - Wookiee - Kashyyyk (SWHS)

Gallagher, Bronagh - Captain Karol - Radiant VII (TPM)

Galland, Nicole - (voice only) Ina Rece (RAII)

Gallucci, Victor (d 2023) - Rebel Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin; Stormtrooper (ANH)

*Garber, Joe (d 2005) - Extra (TPM)

Garcia, Gloria - Jakku (and Poe) Defender (TFA)

Garcia, Richard - Jabba's Human Guard - Jabba's Palace/Rancor Pit (ROTJ)

Garcia, Vincent - Jakku Villager (can't be seen) (TFA)

Gardner, Salo (d 2018) - Cantina Patron (Local Ugly Man) (ANH), Trinto Duaba - Stennes - Bar Patron (TFA)

Gavin, Weston - Vlex Onopin - Engineer - Empire (RO)

Gawley, Steve- Imperial Trooper (Death Star Trooper) - Death Star (ANH)

Geddis, Peter - Captain Raymus Antilles - Tantive IV (ANH)

Geden, Chris - Imperial Officer (TFA)

Gellar, Sarah Michelle - (voice only) Seventh Sister (REB)

George, Brian - (voice only) (KOTOR), Ki Adi Mundi/King Katuunko/Chairman Chi Cho/Twi'lek (CW08), Devotek (TOR)

George, Stephen - Ronet Coorr (AOTC)

Gerety, Anne (d 2003) - (voice only) Aunt Beru (ANHr)

Ghavan (Ghavam), John (d 2006) - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Giacchino, Michael - Stormtrooper FN-3181 (TFA)

Gibbs III, Carlton - (voice only) Concourse Overhead Announcer (STTAC)

Gibson, Joe - stand-in Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) (ROTJ)

Gilden, Michael (d 2006) - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Gilding, Tony - Snowspeeder Pilot - Hoth (ESB)

Giles, Nancy - (voice only) Adi Gallia (Jedi Knight) (JPB)

Guilford, Alison - Citizen (non-human) (TPM)

Gillard, Nick - Cin Drallig (Jedi Knight) (ROTS)

Gillis, Paulina (Tabitha St. Germain) - (voice only) Ashma - Ewok (E)

Gilroy, Tony - uncredited (voice only) Rebel Flight Controller (RO)

Gin - Adi Gallia (Jedi Knight) (TPM, AOTC) (see Clarke, Gin)

Ginter, Patrick - Commander Desanne (Imperial Shuttle Pilot) - Executor (ESB)

Gislingham, Sean - Mud Trooper (S)

Gleason, Paul (d 2006) - Jerimitt Towani (EBFE)

Gleeson, Domhnall - General Hux (TFA, TLJ, TROS)

Glover, Donald - Lando Calrissian (S)

Glover, Julian - General Maximillian Veers (Imperial Officer) - Hoth (ESB)

Glover, Richard - Red Twelve (RO)

Gnome, Barry (d 1988) - Kabe- Chadra Fan in Cantina (ANH)

Godrich, Nigel - Stormtrooper FN-9330 (TFA)

Godwin, Christopher - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Goetz, Peter Michael - (voice only): Ozzel (ESBr); General Madine (ROTJr)

Goffe, Rusty - Jawa/GONK Droid (ANH)

Goldhar, Marvin (d 2002) - (voice only) Trome #2 (E)

Gomez, Ian - (voice only) Salacious Crumb (ROTJr)

Goldsmith, Merwin - (voice only) General Rieekan (ESBr)

Goode, Laurie - Starpilot (orange suit) - Human in the Cantina/Unnamed Saurin - Mos Eisley/Stormtrooper/Rebel Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Gordon, Martin - Vaneé (RO)

Gorman, Pat (d 2018) - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Gorrara (Garrara), Romo (d 1997) - Stormtrooper?Rebel? opening scene - Tantive IV (ANH)

Gough, Denise - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Gough, Michael - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Gould, Gordon - (voice only) Veers (ESBr)

Gould, Michael - Admiral Gorin (RO)

Gordon-Levitt, Joseph - (cameo) Slowen-Lo (TLJ)

Gower, Joss - Naboo Fighter Pilot/Royal Guard (TPM)

Grace, Wayne - (voice only) Major Bren Derlin/General Jan Dodonna/Wingman 2 (RSIII)

Grand, Isaac (d 2002) - Bureaucrat #2 - Human (next to D'ukal) - Cantina (ANH), Gamorrean Guard (ROTJ)

Grant, Paul (d 2023) - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Grant, Richard E. - Allegiant General Pryde (TROS)

Grant, Rudy Valentino - uncredited Kafrene Outpost Trader (RO)

Gray, Charles (Charlie) - Imperial Officer/Rebel Tech - Briefing Room - Death Star/Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Gray, Nick - Jango Fett double/stand-in (post-production/photoshoots) (AOTC)

Gray, Taylor - (voice only) Ezra Bridger (REB)

Graydon, Richard (d 2014) - Stormtrooper, stuntman (ANH)

Green, Jenna - Amee (TPM) (see Lucas, Katie)

Green, Kes - Naboo Royal Guard - Naboo (TPM)

Green, Lars (d 2004) - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Green, Lydia - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Green, Seth - (voices only) Obi-Wan Kenobi/Qui-Gon Jinn/Cad Bane (DET)

Greenaway, David - (puppeteer) Yoda (TPM)

Gregory, Charlotte - Patron (in production notes) - Cantina (ANH)

Gregory, Dick - Stand-in Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) (ANH)

Grey, Charlie - Rebel Tech - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin; Imperial Officer Trech Moloch - Death Star Conference Room (ANH)

Grier, David Alan - (voice only) Various/Stormtrooper (ANHr, ESBr, ROTJr)

Griffin, Garrett (d 2018) - Rebel (RAII)

Griffin, Grey (Also Grey DeLisle) - (voice only): Leia Organa/Hover Transport Driver/Ruulian Terrorist (FC); Queen Amidala (E1I, JPB); Twi'lek Girl (E1I)

Griffin, Nonnie - (voice only) Shodu Warrick - Ewok (E)

Griffiths, Ray - Gonk, R2-D2 Stand-In (TPM)

Griffiths, Steven James - uncredited Stormtrooper (RO)

Grimes, Dennis - Rebel Soldier (ESB)

Grizz, Pam - Shodu Warrick - Ewok (EA, EBFE); Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Gross, Arye - (voice only) Lando Calrissian (ROTJr)

Gross, Sandi - (stunts) Princess Leia (double) - Endor (ROTJ)

Grossman, Ted - Stormtrooper - Endor (ROTJ)

Grube, Stefan - Yolo Ziff (TFA)

Grunberg, Greg - Snap Wexley (Resistance Pilot) (TFA, TLJ, TROS)

Gruska, Michele - Jess; (voice only) Sy Snootles (Lapti Nek) - Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

Guilding, Anthony - Rebel Snowspeeder Pilot (X-Wing Pilot?) - Hoth (ESB), Hangar Bay Rebel (ROTJ)

Guillory, Bennet - (voice only) Rahn (DF2)

Guinness, Sir Alec (d 2000) - Jedi Knight Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi (ANH, ESB, ROTJ, voice archive TFA)

Gulen, Aslihan - Resistance Soldier (TFA)

Gurung, Rabindra - Kanjiklub Member (TFA)

Guyett, Roger - Opera Guest (ROTS)


Hacker, Joe - (voice only) Boba Fett - Mandalorian Bounty Hunter/Han Solo (DE, DEII)

Hackford, Rio (d 2022) - 

Hader, Bill - voice consultant BB-8 (TFA)

Hagen, Dan - (voice only) (KOTOR); Alien Thug #4 (BH); Emkay (XW)

Hagon, Garrick - Biggs Darklighter (ANH)

Haggerty, Dylan - (voice only) Bounty Hunter (DFII)

Hale, Jennifer - (voice only) Building Lifter Pilot (FC); Ruulian Prisoner #2 (FC); Scanner
Jammer Driver (FC); Bastila Shan (KOTOR); Rebel Commander & Rebel Pilot 1 (XWvT)

Hall, Grant - Stormtrooper (ROTJ)

Hall, Jefferson - First Order Officer (TFA)

Hall, Nelson - Stormtrooper/Boba Fett stand-in (ANHse), Doda Bodonawieedo (ROTJ)

Hall, Rick - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Hallwood, Jason - ? (TPM)

Hamill, Mark - Luke Skywalker (ANH, SWHS, ESB, ROTJ, ANHr, ESBr, ROTJr, SWvg, TFA, TLJ)

Hamill, Nathan - Podrace Spectator/Naboo Palace Guard (Rehtul Minnau) (TPM)

Hamilton, Zuraya - Onaconda Farr - Jedi Knight, Arena (AOTC)

Hammerman, Howie - (voice only) Jabba's belch (ROTJ)

Hands, Poppy - Sila Kott "Red Three" - A-Wing Pilot (ROTJ)
Hann, Gordon - Captain Yutani - Rebel Briefing Room (ROTJ)

Hanna, Joe - voice characterizations (STTAC)

Hanover, Sam - uncredited Imperial Officer (RO)

Hansen, Anthony - (voice only) Luke Skywalker (Ba2015)

Hardin, Jerry - (voice only) (ANHr, ROTJr)

Harding, Reg (d 1997) - Stormtrooper, Rebel Trooper (opening scene), Officer - Detention Block, Stunt Coordinator after Peter Diamond (ANH), Stormtrooper in Carbon Freeze scene (ESB), UK scenes (ROTJ)

Hardman, Sean - extra (TPM)

Hardy, Tom - Stormtrooper (S) (scenes cut)

Hargreaves, Amy - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Harkins, John - (voice only) (ANHr, ROTJr)

Harkness, James - Private Basteren (RO)

Harnell, Jess - (voice only): Ki-Adi Mundi (JPB); Darth Maul/Malakili (De); Gran Thug,
Ki-Adi-Mundi, Wounded Naboo Soldier (OW); Darth Maul, Gungan Bolo Trooper, Hannoon Soldier, Stap Driver (GB); Ric Olié/Pirate Ground Forces (SF); Darth Maul (RR); Gran 1/Rogue Leader (JO); Various (KOTOR)

Harrelson, Woody - Garris Shrike (TLJ); Beckett (S)

Harrington, Tim - Coruscant Citizen (ROTJse), Naboo Security Guard (TPM)

Harris, Alan (d 2020) - Bossk - Trandosian Bounty Hunter (ESB, ROTJ), Sergeant Merril - Bespin Guard (ESB), Stormtrooper/Rebel Commander and escort to Leia (ANH)

Harris, Brian - Guaran Nas Tal - Trandosian (ROTJ)

Harry, Angela - (voice only) Jan Ors (DF2)

Harte, Jerry (d 2018) - Head Controller - Rebel Alliance Officer - Echo Base Hoth (ESB)

Hartley, Benjamin - uncredited Cadet Harb Binli - X-Wing Pilot Red Seven - Battle of Scarif (RO)

Harvey, Philip - Female Nikto (ROTS), uncredited Imperial Officer (RO)

Harwood, Tim - Naboo Foot Soldier (TPM)

Hassett, Ray - Captain Tigran Jamiro (Deck Officer) - Rebel Alliance Officer (ESB)

Hattrick, Graeme - (puppeteer/mime) (ROTJ)

Hawkes, Andrew - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Hawkins, Noel - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Havord, Mike - Vader's Imperial Shuttle Pilot (co-pilot)/Imperial Officer (ROTJ)

Hay, Mary Ann - uncredited Dancer (SWHS)

Hayman, Sammy - Spaceport Father (S)

Hayter, David - (voice only) Male Jedi Master (TOR)

Hayter, Marina - Bar Worker (TFA)

Hazelden, Lynne (d 2013) - Y-Wing Pilot Karie Neth (ROTJ)

Hecht, Paul - (voice only) Emperor Palpatine - Imperial (ESBr, ROTJr)

Hefferman, Toby - Blue Eight (RO)

Heffernan, Aaron - Imperial Mudtrooper (S)

Henbury, Michael - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Hencker, Nathalia - (voice only) (Spanish) of Aly San San (STTAC)

Henderson, Don (d 1997) - General Cassio Tagge - Death Star Conference Room (ANH)

Henderson, Simon - Jawa - Chalmun's Cantina (UK) (ANH)

Henley, Drewe (d 2016) - Garven 'Dave' Dreis (Red Leader) (ANH), Garven 'Dave' Dreis (Red Leader - archive footage) (RO)

Hennessey, Dan - (voice only) King Gorneesh - Dulak/Trome #1 (E)

Henri-Thomas, James - uncredited Rebel Officer (RO)

Henry, Guy - Governor Tarkin (RO)

Henry, Walter (d 2005) - Rebel Technician (ANH, ESB), (ROTJ)

Henshaw, Jim - (voice only) Wicket W. Warrick - Ewok (E)

Henson, Frank (d 2019) - Stormtrooper (ANH), Human Skiff Guard, Biker Scout (thrown from speeder on Endor), Rebel on Endor, Rebel in Bunker on Endor, Stormtrooper, Creature falling into Sarlacc Pit (ROTJ)

Henwick, Jessica - Jessika Pava (TFA)

Herbert, Philip - Hermi Odle, Jabba's Henchman - Baragwin in Cantina (ROTJ)

Herd, Andrew - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Herman, Cynthia - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Herring, Brian - BB-8 Performer (TFA, TLJ, TROS)

Hewitt, Christine (d 2007) - Shada D'ukal (Brea Tonnika/Space Girl) - Human in Cantina (ANH)

Hewkin, Alice - Female Guest (S)

Hibbert, Bill - stand-in Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) - Cantina (ANH)

Hicks, Tish - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Hidalgo, Pablo - Janu Godalhi (Opera Guest) (ROTS)

Higgins, Colin (d 2012) - The original Wedge in Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

?Higgins, Gail (d) - Beedo (Rodian) - Jabba's Palace/Sail Barge (ROTJ)

Hildebrand, Dan - (voice only) Smuggler/Wingman (TF)

Hill, Thomas (d 2009) - (voice only) Owen Lars (ANHr)

Hiller, Ken - (voice only) Narrator (ANHr, ESBr, ROTJr, DFSFTEab)

Hillier, Kit - Rebel Soldier  Hot (ESB) Note: was replaced as Solo's Taun-taun handler by Richard Bonehill
Hindes, Nifa - Ann Gella (TPM)

Hindes, Nishan - Tann Gella (TPM)

Hinds, Scott - Nien Nunb - Rebel Alliance (ROTS)

Hinksman, Luke - Quarren Official (ROTS)

Hinton, Johnny - extra (TPM)

Hobbs, Nick - Engineer (RO)

Hobbes, Matthew - Rebel Fighter (TFA)

Hodges, Phil - X-Wing Pilot (TFA)

Holland, Barrie (2023) - Lt. Renz - Imperial Officer in Bunker - Endor (ROTJ)

Holland, Dave (d 2016) - Technician Grondorn Muse - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (in gray in front of Han/Chewie) (ANH)

Holland, John - Briefing room officer (ANH)

Holland, Leigh - Stormtrooper? (RO), Stormtrooper (TFA)

Hollis, John (d 2005) - Lobot - Lando's Aide (ESB)

Holmes, Brendan - Droid Eye (MOTS), Intercom (?), Mobile Artillery Officer (FC)

Holmes, Bob (d 2004) - ? (ANH, ESB, ROTJ)

Holt, Larry - (stunts) Taym Dren-garen - Human Guard - falls into Sarlacc Pit (U.S.); Sergeant Bruckman - Rebel Commando/Stormtrooper - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Holt, Lorri - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Home, Gerald (d 2021) - Tessek "Squid Head" - Quarren Henchman; Mon Calamari Officer - Briefing Room/ Bridge (ROTJ)

Hong, James - (voice only) Azmorigan (REB)

Hooper, Lew (d 2009) - Rebel Technician - Yavin 4, Stormtrooper (ANH)

Hootkins, William (d 2005) - Jek Porkins (Red 6) (ANH)

Hope, Luke - uncredited Rebel Tech Artigent (RO)

Horan, James - (voice only) Boss Gallo; Combat Speeder Driver; Missile
Stormtrooper; Reytha Governor (KOTOR)

Horine, Marianne - Young Witch (EBFE) (See also Gage, Glori as the voice)

Horrigan, Billy - (stunts) Barada - Jabba's Skiff; Stormtrooper - Endor (ROTJ)

Horton, Russell - (voice only) 2-1B (ESBr)
Horwood, Jason - Naboo Guard (blue) (TPM)

Hostetter, John - (voice only) General Crix Madine (ROTJ)

House, Peter - Naboo Pilot (TPM)

Houston, Mike - Stormtrooper (ESB)
Howard, Clint - Ralakili (S)

Howard, Sherman - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Howell, Arthur (d 2003) - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Howells, Colin (CJ) - uncredited Rebel Marine/Bounty Hunter (RO)

Howes, Rob - Rebel Pilot (STTAC)

Hoxit, Linda - uncredited Teenage 'Wookiee' (SWHS)

Hoye, Stephen - Imperial Pilot 1 (XWvT)

Hoyland, William (Bill) (d 2017) - Commander Igar (brings Luke to Vader) - Imperial Officer (ROTJ)

Hu, Kelly - (voice only) Visas (KOTOR II)

Huber, Hilary - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Hudson, Kevin - Rebel Alliance (TFA)

Hudson, Susie - Bespin Woman (ESB)

Hule, Karen - (voice only) (TFA)

Hunt, Colin - Snowtrooper (ESB), Wooof (Pruneface) - Rancor Pit (ROTJ)

Hunt, Linda - (voice only) Lady Proxima (S)

Hunt, Peter - Mos Eisley Resident (in front of Cantina) (ANHse)

Hunter, Clay - Stormtrooper (ANH, ROTJ)

Hunter, Gail - Rodian (Rancor Pit), (double) Boussh (ROTJ)

Hunter, Morgan - (voice only) Maw (DF2)

Hurdle, James - (voice only) Controller (ESBr)

Hussey, Olivia - (voice only) Abridon Refugee 2/AT-AA Driver (FC), Kasan Moor (RS)

Hutchison, Ken - (ANH) (listed on call sheet for Blockade Runner scenes, but was cut/never used?)

Hyatt, Pam - (voice only) Aunt Bozzie, Aunt Zephee - Ewok (E)


Ilsley, Tommy (d unknown) - Solomahal (The Colonel #1) - Lutrillian in Cantina (ANH)

Imrie, Celia - Fighter Pilot Bravo 5 - (TPM)

*Inch, Malcolm - Security personnel in Landspeeder (Flash Speeder - Naboo) (TPM)

Indrani, Seeta - (voice only) Queen Thalia (KOTOR II)

*Irani, Eddie - extra (TPM)

Isaac, Oscar - Poe Dameron (TFA, TLJ, RES, TROS)

Isaacs, Jason - (voice only) The Inquisitor (REB)

Isaie, Danielle - Handmaiden (ROTS) - (See Walters, Danielle)

Ismay, Steve - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Ives, Burl (d 1995) - (voice only) Narrator (EA)


Jack, Andrew (d 2020) - Major Caluan Ematt (TFA), (voice only) Moloch (S)

Jackson, J.J. (d ?) - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Jackson, Peter - Blue Senate Guard (ROTS)

Jackson, Roger L. - (voice only) Ark 'Bumpy' Roose/Ebe Endocott (R), Kaerobani/Ka'Pa
The Hutt/Ree Yees/Rodian/Tusken (MOTS), RSF Officer/Smeer Ze-Trios (BFN), Training Officer (XWvT)

Jackson, Samuel L. - Mace Windu - Human Jedi Master (TPM, TPMra, AOTC, ROTS)

Jacob, Jasper - Shuttle Captain (ROTJ)

Jacoby, Scott - (voice only) (ANHr)

Jaffe, Jennifer - Greeata - Rodian Dancer in Jabba's Palace (ROTJse)

Jagdeo, Dolly - uncredited Rebel Engineer (RO)

James, Art (d 2004) - (voice only) Announcer (SWHS)

James, Bryton - (voice only) Zare Leonis (REB)

James, Charity - (voice only) (KOTOR); Hunter Submarine Captain, Naboo Trawler Captain,
Neimodian Lifter Pilot (GB)

James, Geraldine - Jaldine Gerams - Blue Three (RO)

James, Leroy - Naboo Foot Soldier (TPM)

James, Peter Francis - (voice only) Narrator/Jedi Knight (TPMra)

James, Phoenix - Stormtrooper (TFA)

James, Ron - (voice only) Mring Mring - Gupin (E)

James, Sean - Henchman (S)

James-Samuels, Tobias - Stormtrooper (S)

Jameson, Nick - (voice only) Aldar Beedo (R); A-Wing Pilot #3 (FC, BC-55 TPMvg); ? (RA); Darth
Sidious (E1I); Emperor/Stormtrooper (RAII); Fashion Announcer (D1I); Gungan Male/Senator
Palpatine/Rodian Thug/Tense Soldier (TPMvg); Heavy Artillery Platform
Officer/Ruulian Prisoner 1 (FC); Kyle Katarn (DF); voices (KOTOR)

Janney, Alison - (voice only) Aly San San (STTAC)

Jarvis, Katie - (TFA)

Jarvis, Martin - (voice only) Barada - Klaatoinian Skiff Guard (ROTJr)

Jason, Harvey - (voice only) AT-PT Driver/Medical Droid 2-1C (FC); Injured Soldier #2 (TPMvg)

Jefferson Starship, The - Holographic Band Members (SWHS):
    Balin, Marty (d 2018)
    Kantor, Paul (d 2016) 
    Barbata, John (d 2024)

Jensen, E. Erik - Admiral Ackbar (STTAC)

Jensen, Jesse - Saesee Tiin (Jedi Knight) - Kitotchi (AOTC)

Jensen, Zac - Kit Fisto - Jedi Knight (AOTC)

Jeremiah, David - Dud Bolt (R), Informant/Kreg/Tatooine Citizen/Techie (TPMvg)

Jerricho, Paul - Imperial AT-AT Pilot (ESB)

Jiang, Wen - Baze Malbus (RO)

John-Kamen, Hannah - First Order Officer (TFA)

Johns, Milton- Captain Bewil - Imperial Officer (ESB)

Johnson, Karl - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Johnson, Matt - Bar Patron (TFA)

Johnson, Rian - uncredited Imperial Technician (RO)

Johnson, Roger - Lieutenant Yavid - Imperial Officer (EBFE)

Johnson, Taborah - (voice only) Latara - Ewok (E)

Johnson, Terrence - Opera Guest (ROTS)

Johnston, Joe - Death Star Trooper - Imperial, shielding eyes from laser beam (ANH)

Joint, Alf (d 2005) - Queequeg; Rebel Commando Brooks Carlson (AKA: Corporal Delevar) for promo photo (ROTJ)

Joles, Bob - (voice only) (STTAC)

Jones, Annette - Tawss Khaa (Walrus) - Nimbanel - Cantina / Mosep Bineed - Nimbanel - Mos Eisley (ANH)

Jones, Felicity - Jyn Erso (RO)

Jones, Geraint - ? (TFA)

Jones, Glynn - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Jones, James Earl - (voice only) Darth Vader (ANH, SWHS, ESB, ROTJ, ROTS, REB, RO)

Jones, Jamison - (voice only) Rookie One (RAII)

Jones, Linda - Neesh - Rodian - Cantina; Chall Bekan - Moorseerian (not at bar) - Cantina (ANH)

Jones, Mark (d 2010) - Commander Nemet - Imperial Officer (ESB)

Jones, Richard (d 2009) - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Jones, Trevor - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Jordan, Patrick (d 2020) - Imperial Officer Siward Cass - Death Star Conference Room (ANH)

Juritzen, Arve - Snowtrooper/Rebel Soldier (ESB)

Joseph, Nick - Medal Bearer (ANH)


Kahn, Brigitte - Toryn Farr - Rebel Ion Canon Controller (ESB)

Kai, Jackson - Elite Citizen (S)

Kamay - Sei Taria - Human Aide to Chancellor Valorum (TPM) (see Lau, Kamay)

Kane, Tom - (voice only): Master Vandar Tokare/Rodian (KOTOR); Imperial Officer 1 & Rebel Pilot 4 (XWvT); Yoda (CW03); Yoda (CW08); (DET); Admiral Ackbar (STTAC); Admiral Ackbar/Yoda (Ba2015); Control Room Technician (Starkiller)/Hosnian Citizen (TFA)

Kane, Valene - Lyra Erso (RO)

Kaplan, Neil - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Kartwheel, Katy - (creature and droid puppeteer) (TFA), (creature and droid puppeteer) (TLJ), Rio Durant Performer (S)

Karvan, Claudia - Sola Naberrie (AOTC)

Kasey, Paul - Ello Asty (TFA), Admiral Raddus (RO)

Katt, Nicky - (voice only) Atton Rand (KOTOR II)

Kay, Hadley - (voice only) Ubel Gupin King/Sherman's Nephew (E)

Kaye, David - General Tandin, Citizen, Rebel (CW08)

Kaye, Joe (d 1987) - Solomahal - Colonel (in the Clone Wars) - Lutrillian in the Cantina (ANH)

Keanen, Carrie - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Keeler, Ira - Man running under desk (ST)

Kellard, Phillip - (voice only) Customer #2 (ANHr, ROTJr)

Kellington, Nick - Bistan (RO)

Kelly, Fraser - Eager Scrumrat (S)

Kellyman, Erin - Enfys Nest (S)

*Kemp, Ellison - ? (ANH)

Kennedy, Aaron - Cloaked Messenger (TFA)

Kenny, Ian - Rebolt (S)

Kenny, Tom - (voice only) Biggs (RSII, RSIII)

Kepros, Nicholas (d 2023) - (voice only) Needa (ESBr)

Kerekes, Attila G. - uncredited Rebel Marine on Yavin (RO)

Keshavji, Ali - Fire Ship Pilot (ROTS)

Kestleman, Sarah - (voice only) Kreia (KOTOR II)

Ketteringham, John (d 2008) - Ryle Torsyn - Gold Three; Imperial Officer - Death Star (ANH)

Khazzouh, Julian - Lachichuk - Wookiee Warrior (ROTS)

Khendup - (voice only) Ewoks (ROTJ)

Kiely, Gary - ? (TFA), uncredited Imperial Officer/Tech/TIE Pilot (RO)

Kincaid, Aron - (voice only) Reborn 3 (JO)

King, Perry - (voice only) Han Solo (ANHr, ESBr, ROTJr)

Kingma, Michael - General Tarfful, Wookiee Leader (ROTS)

Kirby, Christopher - Senator (ROTS)

Kirby, Mark - Rebel Soldier - Tantive IV/Trooper (ANH)

Kishino, Andrew - (voice only) Saw Gerrera, Rebel, Citizen (CW08)

Kissoon, Jeffrey - Rear Admiral Guich (TFA)

Kitchens, Colin Michael - (voices only) Stormtrooper "Look, Sir, Droids" (ANH), Stormtrooper (RAII)

Klaff, Jack - John D. Red Four (ANH)

Klastorin, Mark - (voice only) Desann (JO)

Klein, Paul - BG-J38/EV-9D9/IG-88 (ESB)

Kleut, Goran - a Utapaun (ROTS)

Knoll, Alex - J.K. Burtola - Jedi Padawan (AOTC)

Knoll, John - Tannon Praji - Opera Guest/ Fire Ship Pilot (ROTS)
Knight, Bruce - Gueedo  - Opera Guest (TPM)

Knight, Ezra - (voice only) Nute Gunray (TPMra)

Knightly, Keira - Sabé - Handmaiden (TPM)

Koffi, Gervais - Koffi Arana - Jedi Knight (ROTS)

Kohen, Zac - Naboo Ground Crew (TPM)

Korman, Harvey (d 2008) - Krelman/Chef Gormaanda/Amorphian Instructor/Life on Tatooine
Announcer/Dromboid (SWHS)

Krishan, Nalini - Barriss Offee - Jedi Padawan (AOTC, ROTS)

§Kunga Jr., Lama - (voice only) Ewoks (ROTJ)

§Kunga the Elder, Lama - (voice only) Ewoks (ROTJ)

Kurtz, Joyce - (voice only) Leia Organa (RSIII)

Kurtz, Melissa - Jawa Ashkabadna (ANH)

Kurtz (Hill), Tiffany L. - Jawa Utinni (ANH), Hoth Rebel/Bespin Citizen (ESB)

Kusuhara, Eiji (d 2010) - Lieutenant Telsij - Rebel Y-Wing pilot (ROTJ)


Lacey, Ingrid - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Laddia, Holly - Rebel (RAII)

LaFontaine, Don (d 2008) - (voice only) Narrator (The Making of Star Wars - 1995)

Laga'aia, Jay - Captain Typho Senator Padmé's Bodyguard (AOTC, ROTS)

Lahr, Larin - GONK Droid/CZ-4 (ROTJ)

LaMarche, Maurice - (voice only) General Var Suthra/Lox/The Wheezer (TOR)

LaMarr, Phil - (voice only) Gadon Thek (KOTOR); Bail Organa (REB); Master Syo Bakarn/Sanju Pyne (TOR)

Lampert, Al (d 2020) - Commander Daine Jir (ANH)

Landau, Lukas - X-Wing Pilot (TFA)

Lang, Alexis (Lex Lang) - (voice only) Han Solo (RSIII); Major Elrik Vonreg (RES)

Lang, Anthony (d 1992) - Rebel Technician in Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin/Local Ugly Man in the Cantina (ANH), Sim Aloo - Human - Emperor's Dignitary (ROTS)

Lanter, Matt - (voice only): Anakin Skywalker (CW08); Stormtroopers - Takodana and Starkiller/ alien reacting to Unkar Plutt's offer to Rey (TFA)

Laskey, Jack - First Order Officer (TFA)

Lattimer (Allen), Wendy - Rebel Technician (ROTJ)

Lau, Kamay - Sei Taria - Human Aide to Chancellor Valorum (TPM)

Lawden, Andrew - Naboo Soldier, Qui-Gon Jinn stand-in/stunt double (TPM)

Lawler, Andy - Naboo Guard (TPM)

Lawrence, Elizabeth - ? (SW?)

Lawrence, Scott - (voices only) Darth Vader/Transport Captain 2 (RS III); Darth Vader (RAII); Darth
Vader/Anakin Skywalker (from AOTC) (RR); Darth Vader (GB); Darth Vader (RS II);
Darth Vader (SBR); Darth Vader (FC); Darth Vader (TF); Darth Vader (DF); Jarek Yeager (RES)

Lawson, Denis - General Wedge Antilles Red Leader (ANH/ESB/ROTJ)

Lay, Karen - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Leader, Michael (d 2016) - Stormtrooper (ANH); Imperial (ESB); Imperial (ROTJ)

*Leaman, Dave - Unknown (TPM)

*Lean, Aiden - Ground Crew (TPM)

Lee, Christopher (d 2015) - Count Dooku (AOTC)

Leech, George (d 2012) - Rebel Soldier on Tantive IV (ANH)

Leech, Wendy - C3PO Stand-in (ANH), C3P0 double in throne room (ROTJ)

Lee, Misty - (voice only) Princess Leia (Ba2015)

LeFebvre, Michel - (voice only) Mon Julpa/Kez-Iban (D)

LeFlore (LeFleur), Julius - Lando Calrissian double on Endor, Biker Scout on Endor, Stormtrooper, Yotts Orren - Nikto - Falls into Pit of Carkoon (head first), Weequay - Skiff Master (stunts), (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Leigh, Cherami - (voice only) Mia Gabon (RES)

Lenart, Andrei - Resistance Soldier (TFA)

Lengies, Vanessa - (voice only) Kordi (FMA)

Lentz-Pope, Marcella - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Lemieszewski, Kamil - uncredited Engineer (RO), Dryden Skipper (S)

Leonard, Lydia - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Leon-Martinez, Jorge - uncredited X-Wing Pilot (RO), Mud Trooper (S)

Leonte, Ana-Maria - Dasha Promenti (TFA)

LeParmentier, Richard (d 2013) - Admiral Conan Antonio Motti - Death Star Conference Room (ANH)

Le Paz, Ron - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Leung, Ken - Admiral Statura (TFA)

Levi, Olive - Senator Fema Baab (ROTS)

Levy, Hope - (voice only) (STTAC)

Lewin, Janet - Opera guest (ROTS)

Lewis, Craig C. - (voice only) Admiral Krane - Imperial (RAII)

Lewis, Dylan - Dex's Diner Patron (AOTC)

Lewis, Mickey - First Order General (TFA), uncredited Fleet Trooper (RO)

Libran, Devon - (voice only) (TFA)

Lim, Swee - Attark (Hoover) (ROTJ)

Lindsay, Alex - Congratulatory fan/Rum Sleg - (Orange-suited self-talker in Mos Eisley) (TPM); (voice only) Prologue Narrator (TFTEW); (voice only) Mungo Baobab (TotHP)

Lipow, Jonathan - (voice only) Glitch (RES)

Liska, Laine Steven (d 1994) - Muftak - Talz in the Cantina/Bith (see his page) with the Modal Nodes in the Cantina/Hem Dazon - Arcona in the Cantina (ANH)

Liss, Joe - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Liston, Ian (d 2016) - Wes Janson - Rebel Alliance (ESB)

Lithgow, John - (voice only) Yoda - Jedi Master (ESBr, ROTJr)

Lloyd, Jake - Anakin Skywalker (young), (TPM, TPMra, TPMvg, PR, JPB)

Lloyd, Madison - Princess Ellie (TPM)

Lockett, Steve - Rebel Commando - Endor (ROTJ)

Logan, Daniel - Young Boba Fett (AOTC)

Long, Anni - (voice only) Neeka Tiss (BFN)

Longrigg, Francesca - Bar Patron (TFA)

Longworth, Toby - (voice only) Gragra/Lott Dod (TPM)

Lonsdale, Nathaniel - Mud Trooper (S)

Lopez, Eric - (voice only) Oleg (REB)

Loren, Eric - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Louca, Loucas - Naboo Citizen/Squid Head (TPM)

Louise, Charlotte - Margo (S)

Lourd, Billie Catherine - Lieutenant Connix (TFA, TLJ, TROS)

Love, Tyrone - uncredited Rebel Marine Commander (RO), Imperial Worker (S)

Lowenthal, Yuri - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Lucas, Amanda - Terr Taneel (ROTS)

Lucas, George - (voice only) General Grievous' cough (ROTS)

Lucas, Jett - Young Padawan at Jedi Archives (AOTC), Zett Jucassa - Jedi Padawan

Lucas, Katie - Lunae Minx - Purple Twi'lek at Night Club (AOTC); (voice only) Tey How
(as 'Tyger') (TPM); Senator Chi Eekway (ROTS)

Lucas, Mat - (voice only) Anakin Skywalker (CW03)

Lummiss, John - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Luna, Diego - Captain Cassian Andor (RO)

Lurie, Peter - (voice only) Anabar/Bum/Naboo Soldier #4/Scavenger/Twi'lek Tourist
(TPMvg); Boles Roor/Neva Kee (PR); Dasariah/Vil Kothos/Marka Ragnos (JKJA)

Lunt Davies, Jake - "Snaggletooth" (TROS)

Lyons, Derek - Rebel Alliance Soldier in War Room/Guard at Massassi Temple as Luke
and Han enter/Medal Bearer at end of ceremony (ANH)

Lynch, Johnny - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Lynch, Katie - Statuetta Libertatta (ROTS)


Ma, Tzi - (voice only) Hamato Xiono (RES)

Machin, Billy James - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Machray, Robert - (voice only) Imperial Base Commander (RSII, RSIII)

MacInnes, Angus - Gold Leader, Jon "Dutch" Vander - Rebel Alliance (ANH), voice Gold Leader (RO)

MacFarlane, Rachael - (voice only) Lin Gaava (RES)

MacPhee, Jason - Naboo Guard (ROTS)

Maclean, Lynne - (voice only) Frigate Commander - Rebel Alliance (RSII, RSIII)

MacLean, Nancy - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

MacLennan, Eric - Rebel Tech (RO)

MacLeod, Lewis - (voice only) Sebulba (TPM)

MacNeill, Peter - (voice only) Jord Dusat (D), Tseebo (REB)

MacNicol, Peter - (voice only) Tseebo (REB)

Madden, John - (voice only) Regisseur (ROTJr)

Madsen, Dan - Kaadu Handler (TPM)

Magee, Francis - Grizzly Rebel (RO)

Magruder, Carl - (voice only) Stormtrooper/Darnell Reggs (RAII)

Maguire, Oliver (d 2012) - Lt. Cabbel Lennox - Imperial Officer (ESB)

Mahjoub - Jawa (ANH)

Mailer, Lev (d 2023) - Imperial Guard #1 (SWHS)

Malcolm, Christopher (d 2014) - Zev Senesca Rogue 2 - Rebel Alliance (ESB)

Maloney, Patty - Lumpawarrump "Lumpy"/Lumpawaroo "Waroo" (Chewbacca's Son) - Wookiee (SWHS)

Mamrak, Raymond - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Mandell, Peter - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Mangan, Alf (d 1988) - Takeel - Snivvian (Snaggletooth) in Cantina (ANH)

Mannion, Tom - Star Destroyer Captain #2 - Imperial (ROTJ)

Manriquez, Frankie Ryan - (voice only) Young Anakin Skywalker (CW03)

Mansour, Martin Bou - Naboo Soldier (TPM)

Marchant, Chris - Captured Rebel Pilot (RO)

Marini, Sergio - Queen's Ship - Mate (TPM)

Marion, Martha - (voice only) Twi'lek Female (Ba2015)

Mardji (d 1995) - Bantha (ANH), AT-AT Model (ESB)

Markham, Paul - Imperial Officer (ROTJ)

Markle, Steven - (voice only) (ESBr)

Marks, Liz - voices (KOTOR)

Marlow, Jim - C3P0 (costume fitting) (ANH)

Marquand, Richard (d 1987) - AT-ST Driver - Imperial /EV-9D9 (voice) (ROTJ)

Marsden, Jason - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Marshall, Rocky - Colonel Datoo - First Order Officer (TFA)

Marshall, Vanessa - (voice only) various characters (KOTOR II); Jan Ors (JO); (STTAC); Hera Syndulla (REB)

Martin, Bill E. (d 2016) - (voice only): Abridon Refugee 3 (FC); A-Wing Pilot (FC); Bith
Merchant, Fisherman, Lizard Boy (TPMvg); (KOTOR); Rebel Commander & Imperial Pilot 2 (XWvT)

Martin, Gary - Interdictor Cruiser/TIE Mauler (EaW)

Martinet, Charles - (voice only) Adm. Holtz (XW), 2-1B/AT-AT driver/OOM-9 (GB), Bespin
Cop 2/Civilian Male/Imperial Officer 2/Rebel Shock Troop 3 (JKII)

Martinez, Gary - Admiral Sarn - Imperial (RAII)

Martinez, Jorge Leon - Rebel Alliance (TFA)

Martinez, Manny - Rebel Officer (TF), Unknown (RAII)

Massa, Mike - Han Solo double (TFA)

Massey, Drew - (voice only) (STTAC)

Matheson, Joe - (voice only) Zut - Phlog (E)

Matthew, Obie - uncredited Jedha Priest (RO)
Matsuura, Eleanor - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Matthews, Jon - (voice only) Wedge Antilles - Rebel Alliance (ROTJr)

Maya, Vivienne (Vivienne Chandler) (d 2013) - Dorovio Bold (pilot cut scene) (ROTJ)

May, Anthony (d 2021) - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Mays, Daniel - Tivik (RO)

Mayhew, Peter (d 2019) - Chewbacca - Wookiee (ANH, SWHS, ESB, ROTJ, ROTS, TFA)

Mbanefo, Kenny-Lee - Squad Leader Mudtrooper (S)

McArdle, James -Niv Lek (TFA)

McBryde, James - Dex's Diner Patron, Ulfor Bombaasor (AOTC, ROTS)

McCabe, Sean (d 2003) - ? (AOTC)

McCallum, Mousy - Bené - Handmaiden (ROTS)

McCallum, Rick - Stormtrooper (ANHse), Naboo Courier (TPM)

McCarthy, Penny (d 2020) - Kardue'sai'Malloc (Labria) - Devaronian in Chalmun's Cantina / Princess Leia's hand (loading Death Star Plans into R2-D2) (ANH)

McCoy, Brendan - uncredited Jedha Rebel (RO)

McCrindle, Alex (d 1990) - General Jan Dodonna - Rebel Alliance (ANH)

*McCune, Grant (d 2010) - Death Star Gunner - Imperial (ANH)

McDiarmid, Ian - Senator/Supreme Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious -
Imperial (ESB04, ROTJ, TPM, TPMra, AOTC, ROTS, TROS)

McElhinney, Ian - General Dodonna (RO)

McGann, Wes - Naboo pilot (TPM)

McGinley, Jo - Rebel (RAII)

McGlynn, Mary Elizabeth - (voice only) Freya Fenris (RES)

McGovern, Terence - (voice only): Stormtrooper (ANH); Abron Mar (MOTS); Bozzie Baranta (PR); Civilian Man (MOTS); Crix Madine (RS); Kol Kotha (BFN); Pirate Raider (MOTS); Ratts Tyerell (PR); Trader#1 (BFN); Trandoshan (MOTS); Wes Janson - Rebel Alliance (RS)

McGowan, Kaye Power - Stormtrooper (ANH)

McGowan, Louisa - Handmaiden (ROTS)

McGrath, Alethea (d 2016) - Jocasta Nu - Jedi Librarian (AOTC)

McGrath, Jim - Vice Admiral Resdox - First Order Officer (TFA)

McGrath, Suzie - (voice only) Tam Ryvora) (RES)

McGregor, Ewan - Obi-Wan Kenobi (young) - Jedi Knight/Jedi Master (TPM, TPMra, AOTC, ROTS, voice only in TFA)

McGuire, Gloria (d 2007) - ? (ANH)

McGuire, Victor - Bar Patron (TFA)

McKenzie, Jack - Deck Lieutenant Cal Alder - Imperial (ESB)

McLean, Marianne - Tower Control VO (STTAC)

McLoughlin, Bronco (d 2019) - Stormtrooper (ANH)

McLaughlin, "Big" John (d 2020) - Stormtrooper (SWHS)

McManus, Don - (voice only) Chukah Trok/Bondo, Jinda Chieftan (E)

McMurray, Sam - (voice only) (ESBr)

McNamara, Mark - Chewbacca (stand-in Endor: US) (ROTJ)

McPartlin, Steve - (voice only) Lutin Hollis (BFN)

McQuarrie, Ralph (d 2012) - General McQuarrie - Rebel Alliance (ESB)

McRae, Hilton - Arvel Crynyd - Green Leader (ROTJ)

McRandle, Shannon - Mara Jade (CCG)

Meehan, Howard (d. 2018) - Rebel (RAII)

Mellis, Louis - (voice only) Darth Sion (KOTOR II)

Melville, Giles - X-Wing Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Mendelsohn, Ben - Director Orson Krennic - Imperial Officer (RO)

Mendoza, Rebecca Jackson - Royal leader (ROTS)

Menville, Scott - (voice only) Jedi Padawan (ROTSvg)

Memarzia, Nasser - General (TROS)

Mercer, Matthew - (voice only) Stormtrooper (Ba2015)

Mercier, Paul - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Merriman, Charles - uncredited Rebel Engineer (RO)

Miah, Dilu - (puppeteer/performer) (Creature) - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA); (RO)

Michael, Michael - Palace Guard (TPM)

Micklewhite, Felix J. - First Order Stormtrooper (TFA)

Mikkelsen, Mads - Galen Erso - Jyn Erso's father (RO)

Miller, Aubree - Cindel Towani (EBFE)

Miller, George - Gamorrean Guard (ROTJ)

Miller, Pip - Star Destroyer Captain #1 Gherant - Imperial (ROTJ)

Mills, Mykel - Elyhek Rue - Red Seven in Briefing Room (ANH)

Mirman, Edie - (voice only) Arden Lyn/MaraJade (MTK), Rebel Pilot 6 (XWvT)

Miranda, Lin-Manuel - (voice only) "Jabba Flow" and "Dobra Doompa" in Bar - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA)

Mitchell, Billy J. - Keir Santage (Red Seven) - X-Wing Pilot (ROTJ)

Mitchell, Dean - Senator Cellheim Anujo (fill-in) (ROTS - UK Unit)

Mitchell, James - uncredited Death Trooper (RO)

Mittelman, Max - (voice only) Quarren (Ba2015)

Moeten, Marilyn - Rebel (RAII)

Mohan, Sandeep - Stormtrooper (TFA), uncredited Scarif Trooper (RO)

Mollin, Larry - (voice only) Pilot (SWHS)

Monaghan, Dominic - Beaumont (TROS)

Monroe, Jarion - (voice only) Adm. Yamarus (XWA), AT-ST driver/E-Stap pilot/Gen. Jan
Dodonna (GB), Ivar Nitu/Ned Greeby/Gungan (BFN)

Montano, Sumalee - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Moon, Geoffrey (Geoff/Jeff) (d 1979) - Damono Deomaley - Human in Cantina (ANH)

Moore, Deborah - ? (Ba2015)

Moore, T.V. - Cellheim Anujo, Tundra Dowmeia's Aide (main) (ROTS - Australia Unit)

Mooy, Hayley - Pooja Naberrie (AOTC)

Morgan, Robert - Imperial Guest (S)

Morison, Rona - Spaceport Mother (S)

Morris, Carole - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Morris, Phil - (voice only) (STTAC)

Morris, Jonathan - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Morris, Paul - TIE Pilot - Imperial (ROTJ)

Morrison, Temuera - (voice only) Boba Fett (ESB DVD release); Jango Fett (AOTC);
Commander Cody - Clone Trooper (ROTS); Republic soldiers (RC);
Republic Infantry/Officers (Ba); Jango Fett (BH), Boba Fett (Ba2015)

Morrow, Kirby (d 2020) - (voice only) Anakin Skywalker/ Grievous (LTYC; LDT)

Morse, Ralph - Stormtrooper (Bespin), Corporal Derdram - on Executor, Hoth Rebel (ESB), Stormtrooper (Endor Landing Station/2nd DS evacuation) (ROTJ)

Morton, John Fass - Dak - Rebel Alliance/Stand-in for Boba Fett (ESB)

Morton, Mandy - Swilla Corey (Local Girl #1) - Human - Cantina (ANH)

Morton, Mickey (d 1993) - Malla (Chewbacca's Wife) - Wookiee (SWHS)

Mosley, Jeff - (stunts) Wookiee (STTAC)

Mowlabocus, Feizal - Dryden Guest (S)

Moynihan, Bobby - (voice only) Orka (RES)

Mpaka, Drako - Naboo Droid (TPM)

Muir, Brian - Darth Vader (select shots) (ANH)

Muir, James - Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Mulholland, Declan (d 1999) - Jabba the Hutt (unused/deleted) (ANH)

Mullen, Kathryn - (puppeteer) Yoda (ESB)

Mum Brothers (The Mums: Roy Johns, Albie Selznick, Nathan Stein) - The Reeko Brothers (SWHS)

Muncke, Christopher (d 2022)  - Captain Khurgee (Imperial Officer) - Death Star (ANH)

Mungarvan, Mike - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Munroe, Catherine - Zuckuss/Snaggletooth/E-3P0 (ESB)

Muren, Dennis - Mechanic (ST)

Murphy, Benjayx - Officer - Resistance (TFA)

Murphy, Sue - (voice only) Latara - Ewok (E)

Murray, Ann (d 2010) - A-Wing pilot (ROTJ)

Murray, Larissa - (voice only) Stormtrooper (first female) (Ba2015)

Murray, Lizzie - (voice only) Krantian soldier/Naboo medical droid/Naboo transport ship
captain (GB)

Mustoo, Terence - A-Wing Pilot - Rebel Alliance/Death Star Technician - Imperial
(ANH), Star Destroyer Pit Crew (ESB)

Myers, Stuart (d 2015) - Tatooine Civilian - Man talking to Brindy Truchong - Mos Eisley (ANH)


Nagai, Shihoko Shina - uncredited ? Siliu, Mother of Lost Child (RO)

Nairne, Robert - uncredited Kullbee Sperado/Cycyed Ock (RO)

Naprous, Daniel - Darth Vader (RO)

Nardone, Michael - Shield Gate Officer (RO)

Neeson, Liam - Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM, TPMra, AOTC)

Nelson, C. Andrew - (voice only) Darth Vader - Imperial (RAII), Luke Skywalker (XW),
Darth Vader - Imperial (JKDF), Darth Vader - Imperial (ESBse - body)

§Nepali, M. K. - (voice only) Ewok (ROTJ)

Newlands, Elle - (voice only) (TFA)

Newman, Stephen D. - (voice only) (ESBr)

Newmark, Lily - Lexi (S)

Newton, Thandie - Val (S)

Nichol, Rohan - Young Captain Antilles (ROTS)

Nicholls-Carrer, Jason - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Nichols, Stacy - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Nicholson, Paul - Po Nudo (ROTS)

Ngoh, Mercedes - Rystall - Dancer at Jabba's Palace (ROTJse)

Noble, Terry - HoM 56 (TFA)

Noble, Trisha (d 2021) - Jobal Naberrie (AOTC)

Nogulich, Natalija - (voice only) Mon Mothma - Rebel Alliance (ROTJr)

Nolan, Christopher Patrick - Toshma Jefkin' - Aleraanian Guard (RO)

Noll, Christianne - (voice only) Concourse Overhead Announcer (STTAC)

Norfolk, David - Politician (TFA), uncredited Trech Molock (RO)

Norris, Daran - (voice only): (KOTOR); Droid Supervisor (STTAC)

North, Nolan - (voice only) Male Jedi Consular (TOR)

Nova, Andrei - Imperial Officer (RO)

Nu, Axel - uncredited Mechanic Pilot (RO)

Nunn, Chris - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

*Nunnery, Ronald (d 2004) - (ANH)

Nwolie, Emeson - uncredited Partisan Rebel - Militiaman (RO)

Nyamwasa, Lily - Stass Allie - Jedi Knight (ROTS)

Nyong'o, Lupita - (voice and body/face movements) Maz Kanata (TFA, TLJ, TROS)


Oates, Kenji - Saesee Tiin (Jedi Knight) - Iktotchi (ROTS)

O'Brien, Hugh - uncredited Imperial Officer (RO)

O'Brien, Liam - (voice only) Yogar Lyste (REB)

O'Hagan, Michael (d 2017) - Imperial Officer?/Stormtrooper (ANH)

Oldfield, Richard - Lt. Derek "Hobbie" Klivan - Rebel Alliance (ESB)

Oliver, George - Debnoli - Human in Cantina (ANH)

Oliver, Jonathan - Captain Yorr (Controller #2: Imperial) - Vader's Shuttle (ROTJ)

O'Laughlin, Barbara - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Olsen, Jem Kai - uncredited Jedha Resident (RO)

Olumide, Eunice - Jedha Citizen (RO)

Omundson, Timothy - (voice only): Commander 7/Fixer/Obi-Wan/Simulator Voice/Stormtrooper 1/Tycho/Wingman (RSIII); (KOTOR II)

O'Mahoney, Robert - Puck Naeco - X-Wing Pilot: Red Twelve - Rebel Alliance (ANH)

O'Neill Joti, Dipika - Depa Billaba (Jedi Knight) (AOTC)

Oosterom, Michael - (voice only) Zaarin's Officer/Wingman (TF)

O'Reilly, Genevieve - Mon Mothma - Loyalist Senator (ROTS), Mon Mothma (RO)

Orenstein, Brian - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Orwell, Candice - Yané - Handmaiden (TPM)

Osafa, Femi - Palace Guard (TPM)

Owen, Rena - Taun We (AOTC, ROTS); Senator Nee Alavar - Loyalist Senator (ROTS)

Owens, Warren (d 2009) - Fang Zar - Loyalist Senator (ROTS)

Oyaya, Mary - Luminari Unduli (Jedi Knight) (AOTC, ROTS)

Oyelowo, David - (voice only) Agent Kallus (REB)

Oz, Frank - (voice only) Jedi Master Yoda (ESB, ROTJ, TPM, TPMra, AOTC, ROTS, STTAC, REB, TFA unused)


Paisley Day, Simon - General (TROS)

Pajor, Jennifer - (voice only) TIE Bomber Pilot/Computer Complex Voice/Kalaan
Militiaman #1 (FC)

Pangrazio, Mike - Tarn Milson - X-Wing Pilot - Rebel Alliance Pilot (ESB)

Park, Ray - Darth Maul - Imperial (TPM), Maul (S)

Parker Jr., Harrell - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Parr, Anthony - Ephram Warrick - Ewok (E)

Parsons, Chris - 4-Lom/E3PO/K3PO/Snowtrooper/Black Death Star Droid - Imperial/Rebel on Hoth (ESB)

Paulsen, Rob - (voice only) Capt. Tarpals/Grenade trooper/Gungan Villager #1/Naboo
Missile Destroyer Captain/Royal trooper (GB); Bravo Twelve/Freighter Captain/Droid
(SF); Rebel Wingman 7, Slave (RSII); Wingmate 1, Droid (JS)

Paymer, David - (voice only) Deak (ANHr)

Paine, David - X-Wing Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Payton, Khary - (voice only) Agent Galen (TOR)

Pedrick, John (d 2006) - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Pearce, Robin - Rebel Tech (RO)

Pegg, Simon - Unkar Plutt (TFA)

Penner, Jonathan - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Pennington, Michael - Moff Jerjerrod - Imperial (ROTJ)

Perkins, April - Ewok (helps carry R2 to camp) - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Peters, Brock (d 2005) - (voice only) Lord Darth Vader - Imperial (ANHr, ESBr, ROTJr)

Peterson, Eric Neal - (voice only) Teebo - Ewok (E); Unknown (D)

Peterson, Lorne - Rebel Scout - Massassi Base (ANH)

Petrarca, Steven - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Petrie, Alistair - General Davits Draven (Rebel) - (RO)

Petula the Walrus (d 1985/86?) - extra Chewbacca sounds (ANH, SWHS, ESB, ROTJ, ROTS)

Phelan, Anthony - Lama Su (AOTC)

Phillips, Aaron - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Phillips, Ethan - (voice only) Jon/Mercenary/voice characterizations (KOTOR)

Phillips, Ronnie (d 2007) - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Phillips, Siân - Queen Charal (EBFE)

Phillips, Tamara - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Philpott, Toby - Jabba Puppeteer (ROTJ)

Pickup, Mel - Athgar Heece (TFA)

Pielmeier, John - (voice only) (ESBr)

Pierre, Quentin - Edian - Bespin Guard Transporting Han Solo to Fett's Ship (ESB)

Pierson, Geoffrey - (voice only) (ESBr)

Piesse, Bonnie - Beru Whitesun-Lars (AOTC, ROTS)

Pietowski, Mac - uncredited Comm Tech/Marine Soldier (RO)

Pike, Harry - Jedha Server (RO)

Pinney, Patrick - (voice only) Poggle the Lesser, Geonosians (GB); (KOTOR)

Pitts, Tony - Captain Pterro (RO)

Pizzuto, David Anthony (d 2012) - (voice only) Tanno Vik and Sedyn Kyne (SWTOR)

Plant, Nathan - Imperial Guard Droid (RO)

Plenty, Dennis (d 2016) - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Polizos, Vic - Rebel Officer 1 (XWvT)

Pollak, Kevin - (voice only) (EBFE)

Polley, Diane (d 1990)(voice only) Dobah - Phlog (E)

Pooh the Bear (d ) - (voice only) Chewbacca (ANH, SWHS, ESB, ROTJ, ROTS)

Pope, Tony - (voice only) ? (RA)

Porter, Susie - Hermione Bagwa and (voice only) Flo - Dex's Diner (AOTC)

Portman, Natalie - Queen Amidala/Padmé Naberrie/Padmé Skywalker (TPM, TPMra, AOTC, ROTS)

Potter, Michael - Imperial Guard Officer (SWHS)

Pow, Duncan - Sergeant Melshi (RO)

Powell, Fred "Nosher" (d 2013) - (stunts) (ANH)

Powell, Marcus (d 2000) - Rycar Ryjerd - Bimm in Mos Eisley alleyway (archive footage from ANH) (SWHS), Rycar Ryjerd - Bimm in the Cantina (ANH)

Preciado, Regina Lynn (Regina Lynn/Gina Lynn) - extra (ESBse, ROTJse)

Prestoe, Jeremy - Senator Tundra Dowmeia (ROTS)

Preston, Mark - Stormtrooper? (RO); Stormtrooper (TFA)

Prewitt, Daniel - Mud Trooper (S)
Price, Charlie (d 2004) - (ROTJ)

Prinze Jr, Freddie - (voice only) Kanan Jarrus (REB)
Prior, Mike -  uncredited Rebel Tech (RO)
Pritchard, Michael - Card Player #1 (EBFE)

Proctor, Philip - (voice only) Tomaas Azzameen, Imperial Officers/Rebel Pilot (XW);
Attack Tank Driver/Rebel Trooper #2/Stormtrooper Sergeant (FC); Empire Cruiser
Captain/Jedi Master/Viceroy Nute Gunray (GB)

Proops, Greg - (voice only) Fodesinbeed (Fode) Annodue - Troig - Pod Race Announcer (TPM, TPMvg, Ra), (voice only) Jak Sivrak (RES)

Prowse, Dave (d 2020) - Darth Vader (ANH, ESB, ROTJ)

Purvis, Jack (d 1997) - Chief Jawa, Kitik Keed'Kak - Yam'Rill (Mantis) in Cantina (ANH), Chief Ugnaught (ESB), Teebo - Ewok (US/UK)/EG-6/EG-4 (ROTJ)

Purvis, Katie - Ewok Mother with Nippet the Wokling - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Pygram, Wayne - Governor Wilhuf Tarkin (ROTS)

Pyne, Laila - (voice only) (Ba2015)


Quarshie, Hugh - Captain Panaka (TPM, TPMra)

Quinn, Glenn (d 2002) - Rebel Pilot 2 (XWvT)

Quinn, Mike - Nien Nunb/Ree-Yees/Sy Snootles/Yoda/Wol Cabbashite (ROTJ); Nien Nunb (TFA)


Rabelo, Francisco - First Order Officer (TFA)

Rabson, Jan (d 2022) - 

Rader, Jack - Imperial Guard Officer (SWHS)

Rahman, Cecep Arif - Crokind Shand of the Kanjiklub Gang (TFA)

Ralph, Michael - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Randall, Jr., Glenn - (stunts) Boba Fett double (ROTJ)

Randall, Michael - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Rasche, David - Admiral Firmus Piett (ESBr)

Rash, Jim - (voice only) Flix (RES)

Ratzenberger, John - Major Bren Derlin (Rebel) - Hoth (ESB)

Ray, Marisha - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Read, Carol (d 2004) - Ewok - Endor (U.S.), EG-6 (Dustbin Droid) - Death Star Corridor (ROTJ)

Read, Martyn (d 2022) - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Read, Nicholas 'Nicky' - Nicki - Ewok - Endor (U.K./U.S.?) (ROTJ)

Ream, Denise - Opera Guest (ROTS)

Redrick, John - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Reece, Rebecca - Handmaiden (ROTS)

Reenstra, Rachel - (voice only) Rebel Pilot (XW), Champion Driver/Hover Tank
Driver/Swoop Bike Driver (GB)

Rees, Jonny - (voice only) Baron Vallon Rudor (REB)

Rejwan, Michelle - (voice only) (TFA)

Rekert, Winston (d 2012) - (voice only) Sise Fromme - Annoo-Dat Blue Crime Boss from Annoo and Mungo Baobob (D)

Reneday, Peter - (voice only) Imperial Pilot 3 (XWvT)

Rennie, Pauline - (voice only) Kaink (E)

Reubens, Paul (d 2023) - (voice only): Rex (ST); RX-24 (REB)

Revill, Clive - (voice only) Emperor Palpatine - Imperial (ESB), Imperial Officer 2 (XWvT)

Reyna, Anthony (Tony Rain) - Opera Guest (ROTS)

Reynolds, Diana (Dana) - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Rhodes, Greg - Rebel (RAII)

Richards, Terry (d. 2014) - Wampa (ESB)

Richardson, Kevin Michael - (voice only) Jolee Bindo (KOTOR)

Richardson, Miles - Regional Governor (S)

Richardson-Sellers, Maisie - Korr Sella (TFA)

Richardson, Scott - Quiggold - First Mate (TFA)

Rider, Elizabeth - (voice only) Atris (KOTOR II)

Riddell, Richard - Lieutenant Rodinon - First Order Officer (TFA)

Ridley, Daisy - Rey (TFA, TLJ, TROS)

Rinzler, Jonathan (d 2021) - Extra - Funeral (ROTS)

Rimmel, Daniel - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Rimmer, Shane (d 2019) - Rebel Technician - Rebel Alliance - Yavin (ANH)

Rios, Mark Adair - (voice only) Admiral Ackbar - Rebel Alliance (ROTJr)

Rippy, Matt - Corporal Rostock (RO)

Risley, Bill - Rebel Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Robb, David - (voice only) Imperial Officer (Ba)

Roberts, Eileen - Cantina (ANH)

Roberts, Henry - Anj Zavor (Rebel Dignitary) - Medal Ceremony (ANH)
Roberts, Ian - Ganwick Trag (Patron) - Outlander Club (AOTC)
Roberts, Jay - Rebel Briefing Room (ROTJ)

Roberts-Hope, Peggy - (voice only) Mon Mothma - Rebel Alliance (MOTS), Mon Mothma -
Rebel Alliance (DF)

Roberts, William - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Robertson, Barry (d 2009) - Gamorrean Guard (ROTJ)

Robertson, Bruce - (voice only) Captain Kael - Imperial (BFN), ?? (GED)

Robertson, Ken - Cantina Patron (ANH) Note: in production notes listed as "out." Elsewhere it was noted that the part was turned down by Ken Robertson.

Robinson, Doug - Snowtrooper, Stormtrooper (ESB)

Robinson, Jack - Barman/Bouncer? (TFA)

Robinson, Richard - (puppeteer) Mon Calamari, Joh Yowza, Sy Snootles (arms), Salacious B. Crumb (ROTJ)

Robson, Douglas - (RO), (TLJ), (S)

Rocket, Charles (d 2005) - (voice only) Nym (SF, JSF)

Rodgers, Daniel - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Rodriguez, Rocky - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Roffman, Howard - (voice only) Rebels (ROTJr)

Roggé, Ron - Rebel (RAII)

Roloff, Matt - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ), Ewok - Old with Cane (EA), Ewok (EBFE)

Romano, Chris - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Romano, Rino - (voice only) (KOTOR)

*Rose, Laurie (d 2002) - (ESB, ROTJ)

Rose, Pam - Leesub Sirln (Weird Girl) - Qiraash - Cantina (ANH)

Rose, Kalki - Tan Yuster (AOTC)

Rose, Tim (Timothy M) - (puppeteer/mime) Sy Snootles/Admiral Ackbar/Salacious B. Crumb (ROTJ), (voice only) Salacious B. Crumb (SSW ROTJ), Admiral Ackbar (TFA)

Rosenberg, Alan - (voice only) Boba Fett (ESBr)

Ross, Neil - (voice only) (KOTOR); Imperial Commander & Rebel Pilot 1 (XWvT)

Ross, Peter - Nikto (ROTJ)
Roth, Jack - Lieutenant Adema (RO)

Rothschild, Alexsandria - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Rotich, Kipsang - (voice only): Nien Nunb (ROTJ); Nien Nunb (TFA), Nien Nunb (TROS)

Roubicek, George - Commander Praji (Imperial) (ANH)

Rowan, Matt - Orn Free Taa (AOTC, ROTS)

Rowland, James - Wookiee Warrior (ROTS)

Rowling, Kyle - Joclad Danva (Jedi Knight) (AOTC); General Grievous (ROTS)

Rowton, Arthur - Rachalt Hyst (Zutton: Bounty Hunter) - Snivvian (Snaggletooth) - Cantina (SWHS)

Roy, Peter - Danz Borin - Cantina, X-Wing Engineer - Rebel (ANH); Major Olander Brit - Home One: Rebel Briefing Room - Endor (ROTJ)

Roy, Deep (Mohinder Purba) - Yoda double (ESB); Droopy McCool (Musician) - Jabba's Palace, Ewok - Endor (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Royster, April - Naboo Squad Leader (STTAC)

Roxburgh, Hamish - Naboo Guard (ROTS)

Ruhian, Yayan - Tasu Leech of the Kanjiklub Gang (TFA)

Ruscoe, Alan - Plo Koon, Daultay Dofine (TPM), Lott Dod (AOTC)

Rushton, Alan - Engineer (RO)

Russell, Keri - Zorri Bliss (TROS)

Rutter, Mark Alec - Stormtrooper, Med Tech (TFA)

Rye, Douglas - (voice only) Attack Tank driver/X-Wing pilot - Rebel Alliance (GB)


Sabir, Belal - Fisherman (S)

Sach, Terry - X (or A?)-Wing Pilot - Rebel Alliance (ANH) Dooku Stand-in (ROTS)

Sachs, Ann - (voice only) Princess Leia Organa (ANHr, ESBr, ROTJr)

Sachs, Robin (d 2013)(voice only) (KOTOR)

Sadley-Way, Diana - Nabrun Leids (Plutonian/Martian #2) - Morseerian - Cantina (ANH)

Salenger, Meredith - (voice only) Barriss Offee (CW08); Resistance Technician (interrupts Leia) (TFA)

Sambridge, Ross - Wookiee Slave (S)

Samms, Louis - uncredited Imperial Tank Commander (RO)

Sánchez, Juan-Luis - Temple Jedi (AOTC)

Sanders, Chris - (voice only) Daultay Dofine (TPM)

Sanders, Jay O. - (voice only) Imperial Pilot (ESBr)

Sanderson, Tom - Stand-In Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) (AOTC)

Sansweet, Steve - Naboo Courier (TPM)

Santana, David M. - uncredited Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper (TFA), Stormtrooper, Scarif Trooper Squad Leader, Scarif Trooper, Rebel Soldier, Imperial Tank Commander (RO)

Sarah-Stephanie - Dancer (S)

Satalov, Andrei - Imperial Officer (RO)

Saunders, Philicia - Tabala Zo (TFA)

Savva, Michael - Naboo Security Guard (AOTC), Naboo Royal Guard (TPM)

Sbarge, Raphael - (voice only) Carth Onasi (KOTOR)

Scarabosio, Christopher - (voice only) (TFA)

Scardino (Scarino), Don - (voice only) Wedge Antilles - Rebel Alliance (ESBr)

Schofield, Leslie - Imperial Military Chief Moradmin Bast (ANH), Chief Bast (SWHS - archive footage)

Schon, Kevin - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Scobey, Robin - Imperial Officer (ESB)

Scott, Esther - (voice only) Shodu Warrick - Ewok (E)

Scott, Monty - Stormtrooper (ROTJ)

Scott, P. Kevin - Freighter Dock Worker (AOTC)

Scott, Tanner - uncredited Stormtrooper (RO)

Schnebly, Lindsay - (voice only) Ace (STTAC)

Schuchmacher, Orly - (voice only) (TFA)

Schwab, John - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Schwartz, Ben - BB-8 voice consultant (TFA)

Seager, Julian - Jedha Rebel (RO)

Seal, Stephen - uncredited Rebel Trooper (RO)
Sean, Christopher - (voice only) Kazuda Xiono (RES)

Secombe, Andrew- Watto (TPM, TPMra, AOTC)

Segel, Gil - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Segura, Veronica - ? - Handmaiden (AOTC)

Selby, Ian (d 1999) - General Hurst Romodi (Imperial Officer) - Death Star (ANH)

Serafinowicz, Peter - (voice only) Darth Maul - Imperial (TPM)

Serkis, Andy - Supreme Leader Snoke (TFA, TLJ)

Sermbezis, Claudia - Lema Eelyak (TFA)

Sessou, Laurence Moniasse - Taybin Ralorsa - Band Member Maz's Castle (TFA)

Sexton, Dave -Naboo Royal Guard Leader (TPM)

Seymour, Carolyn - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Shackelford, Dean - Ewok - Endor Village (UK) (ROTJ)

Shaeffer, Michael - General Corssin (RO)

Shah, Arti - Maz (motion caption double) (TFA), Power Droid (RO)

Shah, Kiran - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.), Droid (ROTJ); Teedo (TFA), Oolin Musters (RO), Karjj (S)

Shahaf, Gilan - (voice only): Zare Leonis (REB); Rako, Obi-Wan Kenobi (young), Bobby, Ki-Adi-Mundi (LYC)

Shaker, Errol - Y-Wing Pilot (ROTJ)

Shapi, Hassani (d 2024) - Eeth Koth (Jedi Knight) (TPM, AOTC)

Shannon, Heidi - (voice only) Mara Jade (MOTS); Brat/Computer Console/DC-10/Female
Thug/Jira (TPMvg); A-Wing Pilot #1/Kalaan Militiaman #2 (FC); Flash Speeder
driver/Heavy lifter pilot/Mara Jade (narration) (GB)

Sharma, Atul - Dryden Guest (S)

Sharp, Julie - Protocol Droid (ANH)

Shaunessy, Lisa - Senator Silya Shessaun (ROTS)

Shaughnessy, David - (voice only) Taskmaster Grint and Cumberlayne Aresko (REB)

Shaw, Sebastian (d 1994) - Anakin Skywalker /Darth Vader(ROTJ)

Shay, Jeff - Pod Race Spectator (TPM)

Shearer, Harry - (voice only) Captain Khurgee (ANH)

Sheard, Michael (d 2005) - Admiral Kendal Ozzel - Imperial Officer (ESB)

Shengalaia, Liana - Singer? (TFA)

Shengelaia, Thea - Singer? (TFA)

Shepherd, Steve John - Lieutenant Theomet Danlé - Royal Naboo Security Forces (AOTC)

Sheppard, Larry - Y-Wing Pilot/Stormtrooper (ROTJ)

Sheppard, William Morgan (d 2019) - (voice only) Heavy Gun Trooper/Ruulian Strip Miner (FC)

Sheridan, Kat - (voice only) (TFA)

Sherr, Lloyd - v (KOTOR)

Shoshan, Orli - Shaak Ti - Jedi Knight (ROTS)

Sidoli, Richard - Rebel - Hoth (ESB)

Silk, Marc - (voice only) Aks Moe (TPM)

Silla, Felix (d 2021) - (stunts) Retah - Ewok - Endor (hang glider) (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Simmons (Simmonds), Erica - Mosep Bineed (Walrus) - Nimbanel - Cantina (ANH)

Simmons, Tina - Rebel Technician - HQ Frigate Briefing Room (ROTJ)

Simpkin, John - Klaatu - Jabba's Palace, Stormtrooper (ROTJ)

Simpson, Christian - Bravo 4 Pilot (TPM), Anakin/Hayden Christensen Stand-in
(ROTS), additional voices (TFA)

Sinclair, Max - Politician (TFA)

Sinclair, Sally - Brindy Truchong (Mos Eisley Citizen) (ANH)

Sinclair, Timothy - Y-Wing Pilot (ROTJ)

Sinden, Jeremy (d 1996) - Dex Tiree - Gold Two - Rebel Alliance (ANH)

Siner, Guy - (voice only) Briefing Officer (TF); Imperial Interface/Abridon
Prisoner/General Veers (FC); General Maximilian Veers, Trade Federations Med Droid
(GB); Imperial Officer 1/Imperial Worker 2 (JK-JO)

Sircar, Tiya - (voice only) Sabine Wren (REB)

Skeaping, Colin - Luke Skywalker double, Devin Cant - Detention Block, Stormtrooper (ANH); Luke Skywalker double, Stormtrooper in Carbon Freeze scene, Snowtrooper (ESB); Luke Skywalker double, Stormtrooper?, Rebel in bunker on Endor, Emperor double? (ROTJ)

Sloan, Matt - Plo Koon (ROTS); (voice only) Darth Vader (Ba2015)

Smart, Sema-Tawi - Chanteuse (S)

Smart, Tony - Snowtrooper- Hoth Base, Stormtrooper - Carbon Freeze Chamber (ESB)

Smee, Anthony - Imperial Officer (ROTJ)

Smee, Katherine - (puppeteer) Yoda (right hand) (ROTS)

Smentowski, Jim - Podrace Spectator (TPM)

Smiley, Michael - Dr. Evazan (RO)

Smith, Adam J. - Tundra Dowmeia (U.K.) (ROTS)

Smith, Amber - Politician (TFA)

Smith, Clarence - Fighter Pilot Bravo #3 (TPM)

Smith, Gerard - Lieutenant Colonel (Rebel) (TFA)

Smith, Jr., Lane - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Smith, Kevin - (voice only) Stormtrooper at Takodana "We have incoming at 28.6! Move!" (TFA)

Smith, Paul Martin - Naboo Courier (TPM)

Smith, Roger Guenveur - (voice only) Bao-Dur (KOTOR II)

Smith, Yeardly - (voice only) Ninedenine (9-D9) (ROTJr)

Smits, Jimmy - Senator Bail Organa (AOTC), Bail Organa (RO)

*Snell, Anthony (d 1997) - ? (ESB)

Sobolov, David - (voice only) Duros Alien (Ba2015)

So, Clem - Resistance Fighter (TFA), Dryden Guest (S)

Sogliuzzo, André - (voice only): Captain Typho/Battle Droids/ARC Troopers (CW03); (KOTOR)

Sohan, Scott - (voice only) Tower Control (STTAC)

Soler, Rebecca - Narrator (PSFBab)

Sorich, Michael - (voice only): Antan Azzameen/Borsk Fey'la/Rebel Pilot (XW);
Mawhonic/Palace Official/Security Door.Teemto (TPMvg); Mawhonic/Teemto Pagalies
(RR); Prisoner 3/Rebel Shock Troop 2 (JKII)

Soucie, Kath - (voice only): Hannoon leader (GB); Tavion (JO, JKJA); (KOTOR II); Maketh Kua (REB)

Spence, Bruce - Tion Medon (ROTS)

Spence, Paul - Ask Aak (ROTS)

Spiers, Steven - Captain Tarpals (TPM)

Spight, Hugh - Gamorrean Guard (ROTJ)

Spiker, Bob - Tusken Raider - Bantha Rider (US - Was Mardji's trainer) (ANH)

Spiner, Brent - (voice only) Gall Trayvis (REB)

Spriggs, Linda - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Springer, Paul - Ree Yees (ROTJ)

Staddon, Gerald - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Staddon, Josephine - Ewok - Endor Village (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Staff, Chris - Mon Calamari (ROTS)

Stafford, Tim - uncredited Stormtrooper (RO)

Staines, Angela - Karoly D'ulin (Senni Tonnika/Space Girl) - Human - Cantina (ANH)

Staite, Roy (d 2012) - Dannik Jerriko (Local Ugly Man #2) - Anzati - Cantina (ANH)

St. Amand, Tom - (ANH)

Stamp, Terence - Chancellor Valorum (TPM)

Standeven, Guy (d 1998) - (ANH); Council Member in Briefing Room (ROTJ)

Stanley, Mark - Knight of Ren (TFA)

Stanley, Richard - Cutthroat Hunter at Fort Ypso (S)

Stanton, Stephen - (voice only) Grand Moff Tarkin (REB), (voice only) Admiral Raddus (RO)

Starr, Gideon - Nightclub Officer (ROTS)

Starr, Tony - Gamorrean Guard (ROTJ)

Stark, Koo - Camie Loneozner - Toshi Station (cut scenes) (ANH)

Steele, Karol - Jakku Village Elder (TFA)

Steele, Stephanie - (voice only) Cammie (ANHr, ROTJr)

Steinmo, Siri - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Stephens, Jordan - Corporal Tonc (RO)

Stevens, Michael - Airen Cracken (resistance fighter/Millennium Falcon gunner) (ROTJ)

Stevenson, Ray (d 2023) - 

Stevenson, Scott - uncredited Imperial Officer (RO)
Stewart, April - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Stiff, David - Wookiee Warrior (ROTS)

Stirling, Matthew - uncredited Private Calfor (RO)

Stock, George - Yerka Mig (Bureaucrat #1) - Human - Cantina (ANH)

Stocker, John - (voice only) Vlix (D), Dulok Scout/Hoom/Widdle (E)

Stone, David - Wioslea (Grasshopper) (purchased landspeeder from Luke), Luke double in X-Wing (ANH), B-Wing Pilot (ROTJ)

Stone, Frank - Rebel General (TFA)
Stratton, Craig - Sebulba's Nikto PitCrew Member (TPM)

Strebler, Morgan - uncredited Stormtrooper (RO)

Stringer, Holly - Handmaiden (ROTS)

Stromer, Stephanie - The Great Zorbak (Holographic Gymnast) (SWHS)

Strong, Tara - (voice only) Risha and Holiday (TOR)

Struycken, Carel - King Terak (EBFE)

Sturgeon, Peter (d 1990) - Sai'torr Kal Fas (Crocker #2) - Saurin - Cantina (UK) (ANH) Note: Replaced for unknown reasons in the final cut. (Likely, it was the US re-shoot).

Sugiyama, Yûichi - Ringmaster in holographic machine (SWHS)

Summer, Cree - (voice only) Princess Kneesaa (E), Luminara Unduli (CW03)

Summerford, Barry (d 2014) - Stormtrooper (ANH), Rebel - Endor (ROTJ)

Summers, Ronan - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Sumner, Peter (d 2016) - Lieutenant Pol Treidum - Imperial (ANH)

Suotamo, Joonas - (stunts) Chewbacca (double) (TFA); Chewbacca (TLJ, S, TROS)

Sutherland, Gibb - Ree Yees (TPM)

Swaden, Alan - Rebel Soldier - Hoth (ESB)

Swaden, Keith (d 2015) - Stormtrooper, Hangar Bay Rebel (ESB, ROTJ)

Swain, Howard - Imperial Officer (RAII)

Swanson, Greg - (voice only) Jinda Boy/Weechee - Ewok (E)

Swartz, John - uncredited Rebel Sentry (RO)

Sweet, Andy - X-Wing Pilot (TFA)

Sylla, John - (voice only) Cantina walla, PA Announcer at Yavin 4 base "All pilots to their stations! All pilots to their stations!" (ANH)

Sylla, Tom - (voice only) Massassi Temple Announcer, Rebel (ANH); Battle Droid

Szarabajka, Keith - (voice only) Cikatro Vizago (REB)


Taber, Cat - (voice only) Mission Vao (KOTOR); First Order Officer ("weapon is charging") (TFA)

Tabori, Kristoffer - (voice only) HK-47/others (KOTOR)

Tacon, Gary - (voice only) (ESBr)

Tails, Dee - L-1 - Ubdurian - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA), L-1 (RO), Quay Tolsite (S)

Tang, Albert - uncredited Red Pilgrim (RO)

Tanzini, Philip - (voice only) Jaden Kor (JKJA)

Targ, Fran - Slave (S)

Tarik the Bear (d 1994) - extra Wookiee sounds - Chewbacca/Lumpawaroo (ANH, SWHS, ESB, ROTJ, ROTS)

Tarr, Ron (d 1997) - Unnamed Bearded Man (Jabba's Henchman) - Human - Cantina and Docking Bay 94 (cut scenes) (ANH)

Tatasciore, Fred - (voice only) Tarpals (CW08?); Boss Yushyn (REB); Stormtrooper taking custody of Finn (TFA); Gungan (STTAC); (Ba2015), Bolza Grool (RES)

Tate, Nick - (voice only) Prince Xizor/IG-88 (SOTE)

Taylor, Benedict Sean - Fighter Pilot Bravo #2 (TPM)

Taylor, Bodie "Tihoi" - Captain Ambu Fett - Clone Captain (AOTC), Clones (ROTS)

Taylor, Carolyn - Rebel (RAII)

Taylor, Courtenay - (voice only) Juhani (KOTOR)

Taylor, Femi - Oola (dancer) - Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

Taylor, James - Stormtrooper (TFA)

Taylor, James Arnold - (voice only); Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTSvg, CW03, CW03vg, CW08, KSW, LSWIII, RH, REB); Rune Haako (TPM); Stormtroopers (TFA)

Taylor, James K. - (voice only) Rune Haako (TPM)

Taylor, Meshach (d 2014)(voice only) Wedge Antilles (Rebel) (ANHr)

Taylor, Michelle - Yarael Poof (TPM)

Taylor, Vince - uncredited Rebel X-Wing Pilot (RO)

Templeman, Simon - (voice only) Various Sith Characters (KOTOR)

Tennant, David - (voice only) Huyang (CW08)

Thom, Randy - (voice only) 2-1B Medical Droid, PA - Hoth Rebel Base (ESB)

Thomas, J. Karen - (voice only) (KOTOR)

Thomason, Reg (d 2003) - Communications Officer - Rebel Alliance, Cantina Patron (in production notes) (ANH)

Thompson, Jack - Cliegg Lars (AOTC)

Thompson, Kevin - Chukha-Trok, Great Ewok Warrior (EA); Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Thompson, Mark - (voice only) Narrator (ABYab, AFTab, ALLab, ANDab, ASWab, BLDab, BPDSab, CRUab, DDab, DFRab, EXab, 
FotJCab, FotJAlab, FotJAsab, FotJOab, FotJVab, FURab, HATab, HttEab, HttJab, 
MFab, MKab, OUTab, PSFBab, SCOab, SMUGab, SotPab, TEMPab, TFAab, TLCab, TORRab, TORFAab, TORDab, TORAab, VotFab)

Thompson, Sandy - Rune Haako (ROTS)

Thyx, Michael - uncredited Rebel Marine (RO)

Tierney, Malcolm (d 2014) - Lieutenant Shann Childsen (Imperial) - Death Star (Detention Block AA-23) (ANH)

Tippett, Phil - Figrin D'an (plays the Kloo Horn with The Modal Nodes) - Bith; Cyceyed (Myo/Cyclops) - Abyssin; M'iiyoom Onith (Yamnoss/Yam Nose) - H'Nemthe; Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead) (controlled the eyes) - Ithorian; Chachi De Maal (Baniss Keeg/Probus) in gold - Duros - Cantina (ANH)

Todd, Charlie - Rebel Pilot Kane Lankost (S)

Tomlin, Basil (d 2004) - BoShek (Starpilot) - Human - Cantina (ANH)

Tong, Derek - Naboo Citizen - Dex's Diner (AOTC)

Torrens, Pip - Colonel Kaplan - First Order Officer (TFA)

Toste, Anthony (Tony) - uncredited Imperial Officer (RO)

Towers, Emily - (voice only) (TFA)

Town, Cy (d 2024) - Stormtrooper/Tajis Durmin (Imperial Trooper Guard)/TIE Fighter Pilot (ANH)

Towner, Margaret (d 2017) - Jira (TPM)

Tran, Kelly Marie - Rose Tico (TLJ, TROS)

Trenkle, Klemens Niklaus - Fort Ypso Barguest (S)

Triplett, John - (d 2002) - ? (ANH)

Troncone, Matthew - Rebel (RAII)

Troy, Alan - Technician - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Truswell, Chris - President Shu Mai/Chairman San Hill/Foreman Wat Tambor/RIC-
920/Lt. Sun Fac/Lt. Sun Rit (AOTC)

Tucker, Blake - Rebel (RAII)

Tucker, Burnell - Del Goren (Rebel) - Ready Room (ANH); Wyron Serper (Rebel) -
Hoth Base (ESB)

Tudyk, Alan - K-2SO (RO)

Tui, John - Korso (S)

Turk, Marolyn - Comm Tech (Rebel) - Hoth Base (ESB); Beedo (Bounty Hunter) - Rodian - Jabba's Palace (ROTJ)

Turner, Dan - extra (TPM)

Tyger - Tey How (TPM)

Tyler, Matt - Wookiee Slave (S)
Tynan, John - Navy Trooper - Bunker Endor (ROTJ)


Udall, Megan - Melee (TPM)

Upton, Morgan (d 1991) - KE-829 voice - Imperial Stormtrooper (ANH)

§Unkov, Kosi - (voice only) Ewok (ROTJ)

Unver, Sezer - uncredited Comm Tech Marina Soldier (RO)

Uwais, Iko - Razoo Qin-Fee of the Kanjiklub Gang (TFA)


Vahanian, Marc - (voice only) (ANHr, ROTJr)

Vajda, Attilla - Sagwa (S)

Van Engel, Harry - Citizen - Mos Eisley, Tatooine (ANH)

Valenza, Tasia - (voice only) Shaak Ti (CW08)

Van Schaik, Peter - (voice only)Vedd Deviss/Naboo Citizen (BFN)

Vardalos, Nia - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Varney, Kelly - X-Wing Pilot - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ROTJ)

Vee, Jimmy - R2-D2 (TFA, TLJ, TROS)

Velasco, Myrna - (voice only) Torra Doza (RES)

Venables, Paul - (voice only) (KOTOR II)
Verdejo, Pablo - uncredited Rebel Trooper (RO), Rebel Soldier (TFA)

Vere, George - uncredited Death Trooper (RO)

Vernel, Brian - Bala-Tik (TFA)

Victor, Rick (d 2005) - (voice only) Jawas (ANH)

Victor, Samuel - uncredited Torius Chord - Blue Two (RO)

Victoria, Carol - Handmaiden (ROTS)

Vincent, David - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Vindenes, Rune - Rebel Soldier (ESB)

Virgo, Martin - Spectator - Gran (w/4 other Grans) - Podrace (TPM)

Virtue, Tom - (voice only) Major Bren Derlin - Rebel Alliance (ROTJr)

§'Vodka, Grandma' (d 19??) - (voice only) Ewokese (ROTJ)

Von Sydow, Max (d 2020) - Lor San Tekka (TFA)


Waddell, Jay - uncredited Rebel Extremist (RO)
Wade, Philip - Plo Koon (ROTS)
Wahlgren, Kari - (voice only) Sierra (ROTSvg), Female Jedi Knight (TOR)

Walker, Eric - Mace Towani (EBFE)

Walker, Sydney (d 1994) - (voice only) Deej Warrick (EA, EBFE)

Walpole, Oliver - Seek (TPM)

Wall, Kendra - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Waller-Bridge, Phoebe - L3-37 (S)

Walsh, David - (voice only) Commander 5/Imperial Generic/Wingman 6 (RSIII)

*Walsh, Terry (d 2002) - ? (ANH)

Walsman, Leanna - Zam Wessel (Bounty Hunter) (AOTC)

Walter, Harriet (Dame) - Dr. Kalonia (TFA)

Walter, Jerry (d 1979) - (voice only) Stormtrooper (ANH)

Walter, Jules - Rennek - Jabba's Human Guard - Jabba's Palace/Rancor Pit (ROTJ)

Walters, Danielle (Isaie, Danielle) - Handmaiden (ROTS)

Walters, Jerry (d 1979) - (voice only) Stormtrooper (ANH)

Walters, Matt - (voice only) Gavyn Sykes/BattleDroids/Escapee (BFN)

Walters, Nick - Stormtrooper (TFA, RO)

Warburton, Patrick - (voice only) G2-4T (STTAC)

Ward, Ashley - Bar Patron - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA)

Ward, Colin - Neimoidian Pilot/Gunray and Haako Aide (ROTS)

Ward, James Kevin - (voice only) Angry Fan/Coruscant Male #3/Alien Guard/Gungan
Jailer/Soldier #7 (TPMvg)

Ward, Jim - (voice only): (KOTOR); Fud Sang (Ra)

Ward, Larry (d 2007) - (voice only) Greedo (ANH); Jabba the Hutt (ROTJ)

Warner, David(d 2022) - (voice only) Grand General Brashin - Imperial (FC)

Warren, Paul - Varmik - Hassk - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA)

Warwick, James - (voice only) Qui-Gon Jinn - Jedi Master (TPMvg, PB, OW, GB); Zalor
Militiaman (GB)

Wasilewski, Audrey - (voice only?) (STTAC)

*Waters, Keith - ? (TPM)

Watkin, Ian (d 2016) - COO-2180 (AOTC)

*Watkins, Roth/Ron (d 2004) - ? (ANH)

Watson, Bob - Patron - Human - Cantina/Technician - Rebel Briefing Room - Yavin (ANH)

Watson, Timothy - (voice only) Imperial Officer (Ba2015)

Watts, Robert - Lt. Watts - Imperial (AT-ST Driver) (ROTJ)

Wayne, John (d 1979) - (voice only) Garindan - Kuban Spy - Mos Eisley (ANH)

Wazzan Troupe - Holographic Tumblers (SWHS)

Weatherley, David - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Weathers, Carl (d 2024) - Greet Karga (TM)

Weaver, Malcolm - Imperial Officer (gets shot) (ANH); Stormtrooper in Carbon Freeze scene, Snowtrooper (ESB); Gamorrean Guard double (Rancor kills), Luke Skywalker double (ROTJ)

Webb, Alan - The Emperor (ESB) Note: became ill and was replaced with Marjorie Eaton (hologram) and voiced by Clive Revill in original version.

Webb, Bronson - Rebel MP (RO)

Webb, Chris - Stormtrooper (opening scene) - Tantive IV (ANH)

Webb, Des (d 2002) - Wampa (ESB)

Weed, Harold 'Howie' - Ketwol/Melas (ANHse), Wampa (ESBse)

Weldin, Tommy (d 2021) - Gela Yeens (Jabba's Henchman) - Human - Cantina and Docking Bay 94/Stormtrooper (ANH)

Welker, Frank - (voice only): Hobbie (ESB); Sunry/Jorak Uln/Additional Voices (KOS); Outpost
Commander (CWvg); Pekt/Sith Master/ Utric/ Sandov (GB); Sunry/Jorak Uln/Gar/Swoop
Fan/others (KOTOR)

?Welsh, John (d 1985) - (voice only) (ANHr, ROTJr)

Welsh, Pat (d 1995) - (voice only) Boushh - Bounty Hunter (ROTJ)

West, Debi Mae - (voice only) Rebel Interface/Troop Carrier Driver/Rebel Dignitary

West, Dominic - Palace Guard (TPM)

West, Ron - (voice only) (ROTJr)

Western, Ted - Merc Sunlet - Human - Cantina (ANH)

Weston, Bill (d 2012) - Stormtrooper (opening scene) - Tantive IV (ANH)

Weston, Paul - Nikto, Vedain - Weequay (Sand Skiff Pilot); Kensaric - Rebel Commando - Endor (ROTJ), Feyn Vann - Engineer (RO)

Wetherill, Marty - Senator Passel Argente (ROTS)

Weisman, Greg - (voice only) Commander Stormtrooper (REB)

Weissmuller Jr., Johnny (d 2006) - Card Player #2 (EBFE)

Wheatley, Jo - Fisherwoman (S)

Wheeler, Brian - Ewok - Endor Village, Jawa - Jabba's Palace (U.K.) (ROTJ)

Whelan, Paul - A Utapaun (ROTS)

Whelan, Ray - Marauder (S)

Wickman-Miller, Andrea - Jawa (ANH)

Whitaker, Forest - Saw Gerrera (RO)

Whitby, John - uncredited Rebel Marine (RO)

White, Darren - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

White, Kelsey - Resistance Fighter (TFA)

White, Trevor - (voice only) (Ba2015)

*Whitely, Dave - Snow or Rebel Trooper (ESB)

Whyman, Simon - Nightclub Officer (ROTS)

Wickman-Miller, Andrea - Jawa (US) (ANH)

Wilkinson, Sam - X-Wing Pilot (RO)

Wilding, Spencer - Darth Vader (RO)

Wildman, Valerie - Sariss (MOTS)

Wiggins, Chris (d 2017) - (voice only) Mon Julpa (D)

Wilhelm, Butch - Ewok - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

Wilkinson, Sam - X-Wing Pilot (RO)

Williams, Aliyah - Jedi Knight (ROTS)

Williams, Billy Dee - General Lando Calrissian - Rebel Alliance (ESB, ESBr, ROTJ, REB, TROS)

Williams, Boriana - uncredited Villager (RO)

Williams, Dion - uncredited Wion Dillems - X-WingPilot: Green Twelve (RO)

Williams, Gary Anthony - (voice only) Kragan Gorr (RES)

Williams, Kent - (voice only) (ANHr, ROTJr)

Williams, Michael Kenneth - (S) (scenes cut after directorial change, reshoots, and schedule conflict)

*Williams, Roger (d ) - Stormtrooper (ANH)

Williams, Steve 'Spaz'- Cantina Patron (outside of Cantina) (ANHse)

Williams, Treat (d 2023) - Jess Allashane (Echo Base trooper) - Rebel Alliance (ESB)

Williamson, Simon - Max Rebo - Band Leader/"Pig Guard"Gamorrean (ROTJ)

Wilson, Friday 'Liz' - Eirtaé - Handmaiden (TPM)

Wilson, Lucy Autrey - (voice only) Cantina walla (ANH)

Wilson, Thomas F. - (voice only) (TOR)

Wilton, Tom - B-U4D - Droid Technician Resistance (TFA)

Wingate, Keira - Ryoo Naberrie (AOTC)

Wingert, Wally - (voice only) Reti (SF); Nym Pilot3/Reti (JS); Bendix Fust/Jervis Gloom/ Male
Civilian #1 (BH)

Wingreen, Jason (d 2015) - (voice only) Boba Fett (ESB, ROTJ)

Winters, Time - (voice only) Boc (DF)

Witkin, Jacob - (voice only) Morgan Katarn (JO); Morgan Katarn (DF)

Witwer, Sam - (voice only) Emperor Palpatine (REB); Emperor Palpatine (Ba2015); Stormtroopers on Jakku, Takodana, and Starkiller/voiced PA on Star Destroyer/voiced radio on TIE Poe and Finn steal (TFA), (voice only) Maul (S), (voice only) Hugh Sion (RES)

Wong, Eric - Temple Jedi (AOTC)

Wong, Gabby - Wona Goban (Gold Nine) - Y-wing Pilot - Battle of Scarif (RO)

Wong, Ivy - Lost Child - Pendra Siliu (RO)

Wong, Jason - Weapons Check Enforcer (S)

Wood, Elijia - (voice only) Jace Rucklin (RES)

Wood, Fred (d 2003) - Local Ugly Man #1 (in production notes) - Cantina (ANH)

Wood, Matthew - Bib Fortuna, (voice only): Ody Mandrell (TPM); Magaloof and Seboca (AOTC); General Grievous (ROTS, ROTSvg, CW08, LIIITCW, BFII); Battle Droids (CW03, CW03vg, RH); B1/B2 Droids / B1 Trando (KSW); Stormtroopers/Scavengers/Thugs/yells of Guavian Death Gang/Big Head/X-Wing Pilot Ello Asty (TFA); R0-GR - Battledroid (FMA)

Woodall, Andrew - Imperial Recruitment Officer (S)

Woods, Bob - Theed Citizen (TPM)

Woolman, Claude (d 1989) - Imperial Officer (wallscreen) (SWHS)

Wong, Ivy - uncredited Pendra Siliu
Woong-Sin, Hiu - Adjutant to General Draven (RO)

Wragg, Syd - Imperial Officer (facing camera/Peter Cushing back to camera)/Rebel Carrier (white helmet) (ANH)

Wreford, John (d 2018) - Lieutenant Hija (Imperial) (ANH)

Wresniwiro, Raden Topo - Ubert "Sticks" Quaril (Band Member) - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA)

Wright, Angus - Hammerhead Captain (RO)

Wright, Crystal - (voice only) (KOTOR II)

Wright, Kristy - Moteé - Handmaiden (ROTS)

Wright, Rufus - Lieutenant Casido (RO)


Yamaguchi, Masa - Senator (ROTS)

Yang, Liang - Riot Control Stormtrooper FN-2199 ("TR-8R") (TFA)

Yassukovich, Tatyana - (voice only) Barriss Offee (Jedi Knight) (CW03)

Yen, Donnie - Chirrut Îmwe (RO)

Yerkes, Bob - (stunts) Boba Fett double (jet pack scenes) - Jabba's Skiff; Stormtrooper - Endor (ROTJ)

Yerolemou, Miltos - Bar Patron - Maz Kanata's Castle (TFA)

Yiamkiati, Phoebe - Mari Amithest - Padawan Youngling (AOTC)

Young, Keone - (voice only) Commander Sato (REB)

Young, Steen - uncredited Vault Officer (RO)


Zaks, Jerry - (voice only) (ESBr)

Zelinsky, Susan - (voice only) Adela Tyche (BFN)

Zeus, Jared - (voice only) (Ba2015)

Zmed, Adrian - (voice only) Cavik Toth - Imperial (JS)

Zographos, Andrew - X-Wing Pilot (RO)

Zormeier, Dan - (stunts) Chewbacca double - Endor (U.S.) (ROTJ)

** Note about the Star Wars Holiday Special: There are many actors (from the Cantina scene) who have never been identified, the characters have been identified, but not the actors under the make-up/prosthetics/masks. 

Here is a list of the characters who do NOT have an actor listing:

Sosio Kakra
Tork "Bouncer" -
Teak Sidbam - Aqualish Aquala
Bludlow - Rodian
Deneb Both - Ithorian
Caldera Righim - Talz
Bom Vimdin - Advozse
Hem Dazon - Arcona
Pons Limbic "Brainiac" - Siniteen
Arleil Schous - Defel
Trinto Duaba - Stennes
Kardue-Sai-Malloc "Labria" - Devaronian
Ohwun De Maal - Duros
Chachi De Maal - Duros
Bith Band -
     Figrin D'an "Barbarine"
     Tedn Dahai
     Tech Mo'r
     Ickabel G'ont
     Sun'il Ei'de
Cyceyed - Abyssin
Kelbo - M'Shento'Su'Nikto (Southern Nikto)
Thorpe - Sakiyan
Draton "High Tundra" - Gotal
Caban (Cebann) Veekan "Baboon Man" - Hamadryas
Myhr Rho "Lion Man" - Cathar
Ketmalliss - Dashade
Rungs - Tintinna "Tin Tin Dwarf"
Graven R'ube "Ghost Bith" - Y'Bith
Solomahal "Helpmus" - Lutrillian
Yamnoss "Yam Nose" - H'Nemthe

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